Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Sixty-Six

Talking Horses that Talk about Their Feelings
A fun story about this chapters beings by me admitting that I didn’t come up with the “TenSoon digests a horse” trick at first. I tried writing this scene with Sazed clinging to TenSoon’s wolfhound back as they ran to the south. It was awkward to describe, even more awkward to imagine, and it never worked that well.
Eventually, while working on a solution to the problem of getting Sazed south to the Homeland, I realized that TenSoon could just digest another body and use that. Easy fix, and one that fit marvelously with the magic and setting.
This intersects another story relating to my friend Nate Hatfield, one of the guys in my writing group. He’s a big fan of Dinosaur Comics, a webcomic that often deals with philosophy or literary criticism. Years ago, he brought a comic to the group where one of the characters in the comic strip complains that fantasy books are all about talking horses that talk about their feelings.
All through the writing of book two of Mistborn, Nate took delight in the Vin/TenSoon scenes as they were about a talking dog who talks about his feelings. He never let me live that connection down.
And then, almost just for him, I had TenSoon take on the body of a horse for a few chapters. I doubt I’ll ever hear that end of that one. At least he didn’t end up saying much about his feelings. 😉
Kandra Have Spikes
You should be worrying here about the kandra having spikes. After all, just one chapter back, Ruin took control of a pile of koloss and turned them against their allies. He’s already done that with the Inquisitors. Only the kandra remain.
Ruin has generally ignored the kandra. He doesn’t see them as all that useful. They can’t kill people, and they are too thoughtful and quiet to be destructive in the way he wants. He considers them a much inferior creation to the koloss and the Inquisitors.
That doesn’t mean he isn’t aware of them, though. You are right to be worried.