Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Sixty-Seven

Hero of Ages

The Pace Quickens

Our chapters are shortening and speeding up. If you’ve read any of my previous books—and I certainly hope you have, if you’re reading book three of this series—then you’ll know that means we’re getting close to the ending.

All I can say is this: Hold on tightly. There’s a lot coming your direction in the next little while.

Elend Plays Along

Perhaps it’s cheesy to have Elend trust Vin here, and to have them understand each other because of the love they share. But by golly, I’m cheesy sometimes and I like it. So there.

Vin’s Plan

I had to make sure to expand Vin’s explanation for why she was doing what she was doing. A lot of alpha readers were confused at what Vin was planning and why she left, so I added a few paragraphs talking about putting herself in danger. It’s not a fantastic plan, but it’s all she can think of.

It so happens that she’s wrong about why the mists are helping her. It isn’t based on need or desire at all—she’s fallen to a logical fallacy known as false cause. She’s seen two analogous sets of information and incorrectly deduced that they are related. But, well, she’s can’t do everything right. This is as good a decision as any, considering the fight that Fadrex is facing.

“Let’s have a chase.”

At the end here we have Vin think, “Let’s have a chase now, you and I.” This is a direct quote from book one near the beginning, where Kelsier thinks the same thing to himself. He’s intending to lead an Inquisitor away to keep it from finding and killing Vin, even before Kelsier meets her. I put the same quote here as a throwback, but also because I liked the parallelism. Vin is leading Ruin on a false chase the same way that Kelsier led that Inquisitor back in book one.

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