Writing Class Videos & Updates

First some updates on Words of Radiance, which comes out in less than two weeks. It’s almost here! Tor.com has posted what it was like to be a beta reader (note: I’m not currently looking for additional beta readers) and spoiler-free reactions to the book, and they’re mailing out daily context-free snippets. You can see all the sample chapters and Tor.com’s other coverage here.

For those of you wanting to go to the midnight release at the BYU Bookstore, they wanted me to make sure you know that books ordered through byubookstore.com will not be charged to your credit card until sometime between February 28th and March 4th. Please preorder here so they can make sure they have enough books; if you wait until the last few days to place your order, it will be too late for the bookstore to order more. Note: If you got an email from the BYU Bookstore saying the book was out of stock and backordered, don’t worry. Those emails were auto-generated; it only means that as of February 10th the books had not yet shipped from Tor’s warehouse to the bookstore. The books will be there at the release.

They have ordered a ton of copies, but it’s always possible they could underestimate and some readers could go home empty-handed. At the midnight release of A Memory of Light they were able to get a book to everyone only after a dozen people who had reserved more than one copy agreed to put off picking up their second copy until the next shipment came in. So if you plan to attend the midnight release and have the ability to preorder, please preorder!

Now that Weller Book Works has sold out of their signing-by-mail (I’m signing those books in two days and they’ll start shipping on Monday), I will also sign and number books for people who order from the BYU Bookstore but can’t attend the signing and want to have the book shipped. However, please be aware that everyone who comes to the release gets priority, and if they run out of books at the release, copies for shipping will have to be signed at least a week later and won’t get a number. Also many of the other stores on my tour will happily ship you a signed copy if you call them up and request it, but of course they won’t be able to ship until the day after I sign in the store. Another option is The Signed Page.

My assistant Peter has put up Twitter posts archives for January and the first half of February.

I’ve added a Writing Advice section to the website. My writing advice show Writing Excuses is of course mentioned; by the way the most recent episodes are on Artificial Intelligence (with Nancy Fulda), Highjacking the Knowledge You Already Have (with Mette Ivie Harrison), the Experience of Time, and Last Pass Revisions (with Eric James Stone).

The newest additions to my Writing Advice page are the lectures from my 2014 creative writing class, which you can also see below or on my YouTube channel.

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