For older versions of the book, scroll down to the bottom. You can also find PDF and Mobile Reader versions of the book there. For rights explanations, read on.
I am releasing each draft of WARBREAKER under a Creative Commons non-commercial, non-derivative work license. For an official explanation of this, click right here:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
In a more specific explanation, this means that:
1) You are free to share this book with anyone you like, provided you don’t change the document at all or profit from the distribution. (I will be placing a rights page like this at the beginning of the document, so they will be familiar with the license and don’t have to visit this page to read about it.)
2) You may print off copies of the book for personal use, but—again—may not profit from doing so.
3) You may not change the text of the work in any way, or imply that you wrote the book, or anything of that nature.
4) There is a no derivative works clause on this, since I don’t want people adding chapters to the end or altering the work in any way. However, I provide an exemption for fan art, provided you do not attach it to the document and clearly explain that the art is not mine or related officially to the project.
5) I also provide an exemption for fanfics, provided that—again—you do not attach them to this work or imply they are my work at all. In addition, by writing a fanfic with these characters, using this magic, or that is related to this work in any way, you waive all rights to that work. (In other words, you can’t write a WARBREAKER fanfic, then sue me for compensation if I happen to write something similar in the world in a sequel to the book. I’m not going to steal your ideas, but I’ve got to write something like this just in case. It’s every author’s nightmare to get sued for writing in their own worlds, and is one of the reasons so many of them are so afraid of fanfiction.)
6) The above also holds for any feedback or suggestions you give me regarding this work on my forums. By offering feedback, you waive all rights to those suggestions and waive all rights to compensation for your help. I love to get feedback, and it’s one of the reasons why I decided to post these chapters on-line as I wrote them. However, don’t sue me if I actually decide to take some of your suggestions!
Version 1.0 (Warning, this version is very, very rough. It includes characters that I decide to cut halfway through, has some serious lack of foreshadowing for elements at the climax, and contains a lot of typos. Read at your own risk!)
Version 2.0 (A version with some of the major problems fixed, but still including many small-to-medium problems. Still lots of typos.)
Version 3.0 (Mostly a line edit, with a focus on cutting down the length of the work line-by-line, removing extraneous information and tightening the prose. Some tweaks to the ending were made as well.)
Version 3.5 (Mostly very small changes as I’ve tweaked things here and there.)
Version 4.2 (Mostly medium-level fixes. Some character tweaks, some better world explanations, some pacing work.)
A zip file containing re-formatted PDF versions of WARBREAKER 4.2 as well as the original Word file. NOTE: This has formatting changes, such as making underlined words into italics instead, which will probably make it easier to read for those unaccustomed to manuscript format. (Thanks Habib!)
Issac Stewart’s PDF of Warbreaker 4.2. This also is formatted with italics instead of underline, and Isaac even stuck in some symbol fonts for page breaks and the like. Looks really slick! (Thanks Isaac!)
Version 6.1 The final Microsoft Word version; the last step before copyediting. Includes edits made by suggestion from my editor, along with other numerous tweaks to language, foreshadowing, and some small characterization changes. The draft includes a brand new Lightsong scene as well. All final tweaks after this were done on paper.
Eric’s PDF of Warbreaker 6.1
Fritz’s PDF of Warbreaker 6.1 Both of these versions are formatted with italics instead of underline.
Kevin’s PRC of Warbreaker 6.1
David’s PRC of Warbreaker 6.1 For Mobipocket readers.
Tor hardcover first edition PDF The images in this file are not at full print resolution, and printer’s marks such as crop marks are absent, but otherwise this is the final copy Tor sent to press. (Thanks, Pablo Defendini!)
Microsoft Word has a function where it allows one to take an older version of a document and compare it to a later version of a document. Everything new is added in red, and everything that has been deleted is crossed out in red. Essentially, this lets you visually sort out the changes that have been made to the document.
The files below are documents where I did that already. They SHOULD show the changes if you open them in your own Word program. I plan to do others like this, comparing other versions, but this is all I have at the moment.