Vodník at $1.99 + Steelhunt update

Hey all. I found out that Bryce Moore’s Vodník, a book I really enjoyed (so much that I wrote a cover quote for it: “Vodník is compelling, interesting and darkly humorous. I think you’ll love it.”) is on sale right now as a $1.99 ebook. See the links on the right. You can also read the first 45 pages of the book for free here.

Meanwhile, my Steelheart tour is nearly at an end. This evening I sign at Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego at 7:00 p.m., and then tomorrow I fly back home at last. There will be another signing in Utah this weekend, and the big New York City event with Christopher Paolini and James Dashner in November, but basically this is the end for the tour (and I can get back to writing full-time).

However, the Steelhunt continues. I’ve left codes in many bookstores; see previous posts for locations. If you’ve been wondering what exclusive content has been unlocked so far, it includes three full chapters from book sequels that have not yet been published and substantial beginning chunks of two pieces of short fiction (one of which is a sequel to a popular novella of mine, the other of which takes place on a previously unseen Cosmere world). The more codes get found and entered into a confidential location on the site, the more content is unlocked for every participant to see.

Here are three more great indie bookstores where you can find Steelhunt codes:

Reader’s Guide in Salem, Oregon(If you stop in, say hi to Kim for me)Klindt’s Booksellers in The Dalles, Oregon(Tell Tina you saw this post)Bob’s Beach Books in Lincoln City, Oregon(Many thanks to Diana)

More ways to participate in the Steelhunt are yet to come, so keep your eyes peeled.

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