Hey, all! I need to make you aware of a time change to one of my events on the upcoming Shadows of Self tour. Soon after announcing the schedule, I had a reader mention to me that they were sad to have to choose between me and Jim Butcher, who was apparently going to be signing in Denver the same day. (And not too far from my own event.)

The reader wasn’t complaining to get me to change; they were simply lamenting their wealth of options, so to speak. However, I still felt bad. Jim had his event scheduled first, and we (unwittingly) then dropped something down by way of competition. I’m a big fan of Jim’s writing, and I think what we did was unfair to the many readers who enjoy books from us both. Though the realities of publishing mean we won’t always be able to do something about conflicts like this, I was able to persuade the publisher and bookstore to allow me to move the time of my signing.

So, my signing in Denver (which was scheduled for 7:00 on the 6th of October) has been moved to 6:00 p.m. on the same day. I will try to arrive a half hour early (at 5:30) and quickly sign the books of those who were planning to attend both signings. I’ll do my presentation/reading from 6:00 to 6:45, giving enough time (hopefully) for those who want to attend both signings to slip out and still get to Jim’s reading.

Thanks! And sorry if this inconveniences anyone. I will still be at my signing past 7:00, so if you can’t make it until then, I will sign your books. (Most of my signings go three or four hours, depending on the location and the day, so it’s a safe bet I’ll be at the bookstore until 9:00. But no promises, so if you’re going to be very late, please call the bookstore and get an update on how late I’ll be staying.)



p.s. You should all go read Jim’s new book, The Aeronaut’s Windlass.

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