The Warbreaker leatherbound is here (finally)! And socks!

Adam here. Many of you reading this probably already saw my post from a few weeks ago giving you your first peak at the new Dragonsteel special leather bound edition of Warbreaker. Well today, I am please to (finally) announce that we have recieved confirmation from the bindery that the orders will be shipped out very soon. So, if you ordered from one of our fine independent partners I mentioned in my previous post, they should be getting those in hand very soon. If you preordered them from Brandon’s website store, we should have those in hand soon as well and will be shipping them out as soon as we can in the order the they were received. Each book is pre-signed, pre-shrinkwrapped, and pre-packed in individual boxes which means you’ll be getting pristine books. (Please note that the way the leather stretches over the books’ hubs and spine typical of how leather reacts to the board underneath.)
Since my last post went up—and sorry about the bad news here—we’ve sold through almost all of our first printing. As of today (Dec. 13), we have approximately 200 numbered copies available, and 500 unnumbered copies remaining. That will be the end of our current supply. We will be ordering a second printing soon, but we don’t know when we will be getting new copies in.
In this volume, we’ve changed slightly the way we include art. The gallery at the beginning is much shorter—4 pages—and highlights the US cover and three international covers. The rest of the art is scattered throughought the rest of the book, including Ben McSweeney’s spot art of Nightblood, Jian Guo’s beautiful dropcaps, and six full-color illustrations that were commissioned for this edition.
All full-color art is printed on pearlescent paper that makes the colors sparkle a little bit. (Please note, due to the hoops the binder had to jump through to make this work, we cannot guarantee the use of pearlescent paper for printings beyond the first. We can guarantee, however, that the book will still be beautiful.)
As we’ve said before, this is the highest-quality (and in my opinion, the most beautiful) book we’ve produced. And it wouldn’t be possible without the gorgeous art from Howard Lyon, Bryan Mark Taylor, Miranda Meeks, Jian Guo, Ben McSweeney, as well as the never-before-seen pieces below from Dan dos Santos, Micah Epstein, and Magali Villeneuve.
If you were able to come to the Starsight release part a few weeks ago, you may have seen a sneak peak at the new socks we’re putting on Brandon’s store. We’ve teamed up with Woven Pear to create and offer these exclusive socks. We’ve started with a few initial designs for Doomslug and worldhoppers. Check out the store listing for more details.