
Quick Update
May 13, 2013
Quick Update Just a quick update today. I’m on my way to New York for...
THE RITHMATIST audiobook, THE EMPEROR’S SOUL ebook at $2.99 & Updates
May 08, 2013
THE RITHMATIST audiobook, THE EMPEROR’S SOUL ebook at $2.99 & Updates My YA fantasy novel...
Stormlight Videos + Updates
Apr 23, 2013
Stormlight Videos + Updates This past weekend I had a great time at JordanCon. Next...
A MEMORY OF LIGHT ebook + Updates
Apr 11, 2013
A MEMORY OF LIGHT ebook + Updates A few random pieces of catch-up news for...
Apr 04, 2013
WITHOUT A SUMMER + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is called “Fake It...
Podcasts, STEELHEART & THE RITHMATIST Covers, Writing Video
Mar 27, 2013
Podcasts, STEELHEART & THE RITHMATIST Covers, Writing Video A couple new podcast episodes for you....