
Dragonsteel Prime Chapter 28: Bridge Four 2
Oct 04, 2017
Dragonsteel Prime Chapter 28: Bridge Four 2 This chapter comes from the 2000 draft of...
Dragonsteel Prime Chapter 25: Bridge Four 1
Oct 02, 2017
This chapter comes from the 2000 draft of a book called Dragonsteel. Some of the settings, situations, and characters were repurposed into The Way of Kings (2010).
Way of Kings Prime Chapter 22: Merin 5
Sep 27, 2017
Way of Kings Prime Chapter 22: Merin 5 This is a chapter from the original...
Oathbringer Sample Chapters
Sep 26, 2017
Oathbringer Sample Chapters Currently the Oathbringer sample chapters are hosted on Prologue Chapters 1-3...
Oathbringer Release Party
Sep 26, 2017
Oathbringer Release Party Brandon’s assistant Kara here with details for the Oathbringer midnight release party....