
The Sunlit Man | Chapter One
Oct 12, 2023
Nomad woke up among the condemned. He blinked, his right cheek in the dirt. Then...
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Two
Oct 11, 2023
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Two Nomad slammed to the ground side-first, dragged with frightening...
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Three
Oct 10, 2023
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Three The entire city vibrated, and the buildings swayed sickeningly....
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Four
Oct 09, 2023
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Four When Nomad woke this time, he found himself manacled...
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Five
Oct 08, 2023
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Five Nomad cried out in frustration as Glowing Eyes turned...
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Six
Oct 07, 2023
The Sunlit Man | Chapter Six Nomad tapped on the driver’s shoulder and thumbed backward....