
Saturday signing at the Orem Library
Dec 04, 2014
Saturday signing at the Orem Library Just a quick update before the weekend. I’m working...
Black Friday + Signing in Idaho Falls on Saturday
Nov 27, 2014
I hope everyone is having a great Black Friday—as a reminder, my store has some...
Mistborn Trade Paperbacks + New York Comic Con Schedule
Oct 08, 2014
Mistborn Trade Paperbacks + New York Comic Con Schedule Back in May I mentioned the...
Writing Excuses episodes, Interview with Buzzy Mag & Updates
Sep 30, 2014
Writing Excuses episodes, Interview with Buzzy Mag & Updates I’m behind on mentioning the episodes...
Tour Report: Europe and Canada
Aug 25, 2014
This was Conspiracy, and I had a really solid control deck. I was dominating the board against the fan, whose name I believe was Jason. (Might be some other J-name. Sorry if I got it wrong!) Well, I was feeling pretty confident and then suddenly, he played . This wiped out all creatures, but more importantly, wiped out the little creatures I was using with to create white mana.
My Calgary schedule starting today—Three events open to the public
Aug 07, 2014
My Calgary schedule starting today—Three events open to the public I’m in Calgary, Alberta, Canada...