
State of the Sanderson 2017
Dec 18, 2017
Officially Announcing: Skyward
Dec 17, 2017
Officially Announcing: Skyward Hey! I’m back from tour, and let me say, it was quite...
UK tour for Oathbringer + Updates
Nov 26, 2017
UK tour for Oathbringer + Updates I am getting ready to head off to the...
Oathbringer Art Roundup Part 1
Nov 22, 2017
Oathbringer Art Roundup Part 1 Brandon’s art director Isaac here with some insights on the...
Oathbringer is (finally) out!
Nov 13, 2017
Well, the day you’ve been (not so patiently) waiting for has finally arrived. Huzzah! I...
Roshar’s Date System
Nov 01, 2017
Roshar’s Date System I knew I’d have to deal with it sometime, and it finally...