
Mistborn Chapter Two
Aug 28, 2013
Mistborn Chapter Two If men read these words, let them know that power is a...
Mistborn Chapter One
Aug 28, 2013
Mistborn Chapter One I consider myself to be a man of principle. But, what man...
Mistborn Prologue
Aug 28, 2013
Mistborn Prologue Sometimes, I worry that I’m not the hero everyone thinks I am. ....
Annotation Mistborn 3 Series Wrap-Up
Jun 22, 2010
First Trilogy
Annotation Mistborn 3 Epilogue
Jun 17, 2010
Annotation Mistborn 3 Epilogue The End This epilogue ties up a few loose ends, then...
Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Eighty-Two
Jun 15, 2010
Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Eighty-Two Sazed Ascendant The answer is yes, I planned it from...