
The Way of Kings Chapter 20 (D)
Nov 08, 2017
The Way of Kings Chapter 20 (D) This early draft chapter corresponds to parts of...
The Way of Kings Chapter 18 (D)
Nov 06, 2017
The Way of Kings Chapter 18 (D) This early draft chapter corresponds to parts of...
The Way of Kings Chapter 16 (D)
Nov 01, 2017
The Way of Kings Chapter 16 (D) This chapter is largely the same as chapter...
The Way of Kings Chapter 15 (D)
Oct 30, 2017
The Way of Kings Chapter 15 (D) This chapter continues the theme from the previous...
The Way of Kings Chapter 13 (D)
Oct 25, 2017
The Way of Kings Chapter 13 (D) One of Brandon’s largest revisions in the early...
Dragonsteel Prime Chapter 37: Bridge Four 7
Oct 23, 2017
This chapter comes from the 2000 draft of a book called Dragonsteel. Some of the settings, situations, and characters were repurposed into The Way of Kings (2010).