
Brandon’s Calamity Tour… So Far
Feb 23, 2016
Brandon’s Calamity Tour… So Far Hey everyone! Brandon’s assistant Adam here. As you probably know,...
The Calamity Tour Continues + Updates
Feb 21, 2016
The Calamity tour has been going strong for about a week now, and I have...
Calamity is Out!
Feb 15, 2016
Calamity is Out! The Calamity Release Party at the Orem Barnes & Noble is just...
Calamity Tour + Updates
Feb 03, 2016
Calamity Tour + Updates The Calamity release is just two weeks away! Check my events...
State of the Sanderson 2015
Dec 18, 2015
Calamity cover reveal & preview chapters + Updates
Jul 21, 2015
Calamity cover reveal & preview chapters + Updates As I tweeted about a couple of...