
THIS IS HOW YOU DIE, Stories of the Inscrutable, Infallible, Inescapable Machine of Death
Jul 16, 2013
The anthology THIS IS HOW YOU DIE, sequel to THE MACHINE OF DEATH, was released...
My essay on Terry Pratchett + Updates
May 01, 2013
My essay on Terry Pratchett + Updates On Saturday posted an essay of mine...
Stormlight Videos + Updates
Apr 23, 2013
Stormlight Videos + Updates This past weekend I had a great time at JordanCon. Next...
Helping Ben Wolverton
Apr 10, 2013
Helping Ben Wolverton Many of you know that a certain author, Dave Wolverton (who also...
Apr 04, 2013
WITHOUT A SUMMER + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is called “Fake It...
Life, the Universe, & Everything 31 starts today in Provo
Feb 14, 2013
Life, the Universe, & Everything 31 starts today in Provo The local symposium (read: convention)...