
Award Updates!
Jul 15, 2015
Award Updates! Over the last few months I’ve mentioned various awards that some of my...
Steelheart Awards + Updates
Jun 09, 2015
Steelheart Awards + Updates I have some more exciting news: the students of Kentucky have...
Words of Radiance & Awards + Updates
Jun 02, 2015
Words of Radiance has made it past the first round of voting for the 2015...
Hugo nomination deadline, Shadows for Silence ebook release + Updates
Mar 09, 2015
Hugo nomination deadline, Shadows for Silence ebook release + Updates Don’t forget, the deadline to...
New Writing Excuses + Update
Feb 15, 2015
New Writing Excuses + Update We at Writing Excuses are continuing February’s focus on characters...
Firefight Tour, Award Nomination Season + Updates
Jan 20, 2015
Firefight Tour, Award Nomination Season + Updates My tour for Firefight continues through the rest...