
Edgedancer is out!
Oct 18, 2017
Edgedancer is out! Edgedancer, a novella that was originally published last year as part of...
Snapshot is out!
Feb 17, 2017
Snapshot is out! Hey, all! I’ve been deep into revisions on Oathbringer. Turns out, big...
State of the Sanderson 2016
Dec 19, 2016
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection is out today!
Nov 22, 2016
My new book is out today! Supposedly, it’s a short story collection, but I’m not...
Arcanum Unbounded BYU Release Party
Nov 09, 2016
Arcanum Unbounded BYU Release Party On Tuesday, November 22nd at 7:00 p.m., I will be...
Introducing Arcanum Unbounded
Nov 01, 2016
Introducing Arcanum Unbounded Hey, all. I’m still in Europe on tour. (I’ll be in Barcelona...