Steelhunt, Week Two

We have entered week two of Steelheart’s release—by Wednesday, we’ll know what the opening week numbers were, and that will become the benchmark that Dashner will try to beat with The Eye of Minds. The loser will then become Justin Bieber. Many thanks to all who checked out the book last week.

Of course, you’re still perfectly welcome to buy the book this week! To encourage that along, I’ll be doing a few more cool blog posts this week. (Including one titled “What I learned by working on the Wheel of Time”!) In this post, however, I want to give you a little more about the Steelhunt.

If you missed last week’s post, I’m hiding prizes in books at my signings and in bookstores I pass during my tour. If you work at a bookstore somewhere that is not on my tour, do feel free to email me through my website and ask about the Steelhunt. We’d love to have you participate.

Last week, we gave you a glimpse of the prize. Today, I want to show it in its full glory.

It’s an awesome lenticular postcard designed by Isaac (who did all of the maps for Mistborn and The Way of Kings), which shows Chicago being transformed to steel. On the back of these postcards are codes that will take you to a hidden section of my website that contains goodies, such as a sneak peek at Words of Radiance. The more codes that are entered, the more goodies get revealed.

I’ll be on tour this week, visiting the following cities: Chicago, Cincinnati, Dayton, Milwaukee, Chicago again. I’ve given away codes at every signing so far—some in books, others with clues in the store, others to people in costume or who do something otherwise impressive. So please stop by! In addition, if you’re flying through those cities, you might find codes in signed copies of Steelheart in the airports.

Last week, I visited the following stores. All have signed books, and many have some codes hidden in them:

Orem UT, Barnes & NobleHas signed hardcovers of most of my books, including Steelheart, The Rithmatist, and A Memory of Light.Salt Lake City, The King’s EnglishThey had copies of the Mistborn Adventure Game, which I signed! I know for a fact I left one Steelheart code here with their science fiction guru. He might still have it!Salt Lake City Airport, Simply BooksBy gate C6. They have signed copies of Steelheart and every Sanderson paperback, and they keep a huge stock of my books. I pass through so often that they almost always have something signed in stock. If you fly through SLC anytime in the future, you might want to stop by. I also left them a dozen Steelhunt codes last time, and there might be a few left hidden in copies of Steelheart!Houston IAH AirportThere is a Simply Books near the B terminal escalators that has a ton of signed copies of Steelheart. In the A terminal, there is a newsstand-style bookstore with signed copies in an attached books section. I left a lot of Steelhunt codes in these.Houston, Murder by the BookAn excellent store that you really should visit. Say hi to John for me, and pick up one of their signed stock of Steelheart!Austin, The Book PeopleAnother excellent store. They are doing a promotion in October for Steelheart and The Rithmatist. I left them a big stack of Steelhunt codes, so if you buy a copy of Steelheart from them, you might be able to get them to give you one. Watch for an announcement of when their promotion starts. They are going to use the codes then.Austin AirportTwo newsstand stores, called Austin Article, each had eight copies of Steelheart. One is by Gate 5, and has no codes—but signed books! The larger one near the center of the terminal, by security, has codes hidden in two of the eight copies.

If you have friends passing through one of these towns or airports, have them grab a code for you! (And hopefully a signed book too.)

And watch for more ways to win a code on Twitter/Facebook and my mailing list! (Which you can sign up for here, through my website.)

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