STEELHEART book trailer & free 5-chapter sample ebook/audiobook

Random House has released their book trailer for Steelheart, and it’s pretty awesome! Check it out below.

They’ve also released a 5-chapter sampler ebook (and Audible has a sampler audiobook) that you can see download links for here. (Ignore the text that says “Buy the Book”—it’s a free download.) Right now the free ebook and audiobook aren’t available in the UK, Australia, or New Zealand, but it should be available most other places. You can also read the prologue, chapter 10, and chapter 11 right on my site.

The release date is only 12 days away, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. Weller Book Works has a few signed & numbered copies left. You can also come to the release event at the Orem Barnes & Noble on September 24th, or check out the whole tour here. Mysterious Galaxy and Shawn Speakman’s The Signed Page will also have signed books available to preorder, but they won’t be shipped until I sign them in October. I have worldwide links to other places you can preorder the book here.

And now, the trailer!

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