State of the Sanderson 2024

Dec 19, 2024


Welcome to my yearly wrap-up, update, and projection essay—the place where I give way too much detail on what I’ve been doing and my plans for the future. There’s a lot in here, I know, but I’ve made a habit in my career of over informing, and I think it’s served me well. This is the sort of document I always wished I had as a fan, back in the 90s, when direct explanations from my favorite authors were rare and often incomplete.

So, sit back and grab your favorite holiday beverage as I talk about my year! 

Part One: My Year

January-June 5th: Stormlight 5 Revisions

I spent roughly half this year doing the last revisions on Stormlight Book Five—I look back even still and shudder a little bit about those long hours. Getting one of these books ready is a huge task, to say the least. Basically a writing retreat every couple of weeks, holed up working long hours. 

For fun, here’s a little screenshot from my spreadsheet, showing during my final polish the places where I managed to trim (or add) to a given chapter. Note that I’m not 100% sure these are the final chapter numbers—and you can see I was still periodically adding more than I cut away. (This final polish usually involves cutting line by line, not deleting entire scenes, so these are mostly repeated words or ideas, or unclear phrasings that can be tightened up.)


I turned the book in on the fourth of June.

June 5th–June 19th: The Emperor’s Soul Screenplay

There were some talks around this time about maybe doing The Emperor’s Soul as a feature film, and so I decided to work on the screenplay for it for a few weeks. The talks eventually went nowhere, but I do really like the screenplay I came up with—though it heavily leans into the artsy side of the story, so I don’t know how filmable it actually is. 

Rest of June: The Girl Who Looked Up

Here, I did a new version of The Girl Who Looked Up, which needed some attention. As I’ve told you before, we want to eventually do a “Hoid Storybook Collection” as a group of picture books. We want one of those to be The Girl Who Looked Up, but the story from the novel is kind of disjointed, due to the way it fits the narrative, told by two different people. I wanted a version that felt more cohesive, and I finished that here.

July: Isles of the Emberdark Revisions

I actually started playing with this back in June, but as during this time I was tweaking all these different things, I’ll account for this mostly in July. Isles of the Emberdark is Secret Project Five, releasing next year for those who participated in the Words of Radiance leatherbound crowdfunding campaign, and probably early 2026 for those who did not. As such, I needed to finish revisions on that.

I wasn’t super excited to go (basically) straight from Stormlight revisions into this, but I’m the one who makes these schedules and deadlines, so there was really nobody to complain about but myself!

August–September: Moment Zero

I spent the bulk of these two months (with some hits from a COVID bout) on Moment Zero, the new short novel (aka very long novella) for Tailored Realities, next year’s title for Nexus.

I recognize that a collection of my non-Cosmere short fiction is not something that everyone is excited about, but I also know that some of you really like it—and I stay motivated and productive by writing lots of different things to maintain my engagement with storytelling. So, even if this isn’t something for you, know that the recharging it lets me do is vital to the process!

As I write this, I’m working on the last few revisions of that story, with an anticipated turn-in during January.

October–November: White Sand Prose Version  

While I didn’t finish this during this period, I do have some good instincts for how the White Sand prose version will eventually turn out. My goal, after going back through it, is to make it align to the graphic novel as much as possible. 

Ideally, when it does come out, it will add a little more depth to things—but will basically be the story from the graphic novel. Both will remain canon, therefore, and I’d like for you to be able to experience the story via either format as you prefer.

(For those who don’t know, White Sand was one of my unpublished novels. The version we made into the graphic novel was written just after Elantris. I am going back through the prose version to get it ready for mainstream publication, not as a Sanderson Curiosity, but a full-on mainline Cosmere book. Other than Elantris, it is the only one of my pre-Mistborn Cosmere novels that I think is good enough, and close enough to current continuity, to deserve this treatment.) 

December: Nexus, SotS, Moment Zero

And, now it’s December. Nexus took a lot of work, and I’m here (on the Monday following) still trying to recover! Moment Zero’s final revisions need to be done by January to give me time to move into Ghostbloods, my next project, which we’ll talk about shortly.

The first half of my year is kind of still a blur, but I did get to jump between a lot of things these last six months, and I feel recuperated.

Part Two: Updates on Primary Projects

Stormlight Archive

With Wind and Truth out as of a few days ago, it is finally time to move Stormlight to the back burner for a while. It was a fifteen-year-effort to get this sequence done, and I need some time off from the series. I do still love it, and consider it my opus, but writing on it is quite draining—and I’m ready for a break.

That said, I have scheduled the Horneater novella (about Rock, taking place during Book Four) to be written in about eighteen months, to give us another taste of Stormlight. 

My plan is to finish the entire Ghostbloods trilogy, along with Elantris 2 and 3 (which will finish that series), before jumping back to Stormlight. I’ll talk a little more about timelines below, but we want to build in plenty of time for that. I think I’ll likely be faster than some of our projections, but I want to be careful to make a conservative estimate of when I’ll get back to Stormlight. So for now, enjoy Book Five, and savor it.  


Ghostbloods (Mistborn Era Three) is up next, and will be my mainline project for the next five years or so. My goal is to write the three books straight through, with only the break for the Rock novella in the middle—then hand them off to production to do continuity and the like, giving us plenty of time to do what I did for the first trilogy so many years ago. (Back when I wasn’t as important an author to the publisher, and so they’d take two or more years to publish a book after I handed it in. That gave me a lot of time to make sure the three books had a lot of tight continuity, which I appreciated.)

This series will mark the return of some familiar (somewhat spike-filled) characters from Era One, along with some new characters. It will follow, as the title indicates, the Ghostbloods and their activities on Scadrial, some fifty years or so after the end of Era Two. 

I’ve been planning this trilogy since 2006, and I’m very excited to finally write it.  


My co-author Janci Patterson has taken up the reins of this series, and is doing a fantastic job. Her work on the novellas (Skyward Flight) has served as an excellent calling card from her to the fans, and judging on their reviews of that book, I think you can all see that you’re in good hands. (You are. I’ve read her next Skyward book, and it’s awesome.)

She and I just finished our brainstorming session on the second book. She’ll be writing it in the next six months, and we’ll get a progress bar up for it when she feels comfortable with us doing so. I’m loving the direction of this series, and the two of us vibe really well as coauthors, our strengths complementing each others’ weaknesses.  I’ll be doing meetings with her during these months when she needs to talk over plot and character, and then plan to read the second novel sometime in July as my break between Book One and Book Two of Ghostbloods.

These books need a lot of lead time before they’re published, so stay tuned for more from Janci and our publisher, Delacorte, for release dates. I’d expect sometime early 2026 for the first one—but we’ll be announcing a release date when the book goes into production.

Part Three: Updates on Secondary Projects


My goal is to write Elantris Two as soon as I finish Ghostboods Three, so it's still a few years off—but I'm gearing up for it now! I’m excited to dive back into the world of my first published novel. So for those of you who love Sel, more is coming before too long. 

Wheel of Time Leatherbounds

Announced at Nexus 2024 was that Dragonsteel, in conjunction with Tor, and with Harriet, Robert Jordan’s editor and widow, is going to be releasing leatherbounds of the Wheel of Time series. We’ve been hard at work on these for several years now, and I’m excited to share the news with you. Below are the images we shared at Nexus, which are not final. (The leatherbound picture itself, for example, is just a mockup.) 


Our goal is for the first of these to come out sometime next winter, and to then do one book a year each year following. We’ll of course keep you up to date on the progress! 

This is a dream project of mine, something I’ve wanted for many years. Tor, once upon a time, did leatherbounds of the Wheel of Time—but only 250 of each volume, and they repurposed the regular hardcover interiors without new artwork. So we’re going to do our best to give the Wheel of Time the treatment it deserves with spectacular luxury editions. Here are a few bullet points.

  • Pricing. This is new territory for us, and we’re wanting to make sure both Tor and Harriet are well compensated.  For those who don’t know, we do not have to pay royalties on our other leatherbounds, as I retain those rights. This is different, and is our first time licensing for a leatherbound project. We want these to be affordable (and at least cheaper than the Tor editions, which were $250 back in the 90s) but we also might have to charge more for them than our own to actually have them make a profit. Right now, we’re looking at $175-$200. But leather prices and the cost of the effects we add will be a factor. 
  • Splitting books. Harriet has asked us, if possible, not to split any of the books into two volumes—and we think we can manage this, judging by the tests we’ve gotten from the bindery. Yes, this means several of them will be QUITE large.  :)
  • New Spring. Yes, we intend to do New Spring. Not sure if it will be released in publication order or after AMoL.
  • The World of the Wheel of Time (aka the Big White Book). No plans to do it, or the encyclopedia, as of right now. The rights for those would be separate from what we’re doing already anyway.
  • Design. We intend to use genuine leather custom made for the series and include full color interior illustrations and endpapers. We also plan to add new chapter symbols and two-color interior illustrations. 

Songs of the Dead

This book is still in revisions between Peter Orullian (the coauthor) and the publisher, but it is actually happening for sure at this point. Last I’d heard, they’re doing one more round, so this too might be a 2026 book. 

I, as I mentioned last year, have stepped back from this one and given it over entirely to Peter. To be honest, without his passion for the story, it might have fallen by the wayside—he has fought for this book, and managed to land it at a major publisher. 

I’ve given the book to him at this point for reasons of time triage on my part, and so while it comes from an outline and worldbuilding by me (and while I did two revisions on it with him), I consider this “his” book, if that makes sense. I’ll keep you all up to date on it, as I think you’ll love the novel.

White Sand

I got through much of the work I needed to do in order to get this ready, as I talked about above—but there’s still a lot to do.  It’s not quite like writing a brand-new novel, but it’s close. Updating 30-year-old narratives is a fairly big project.

I’ll try to squeeze in more time for this next year between projects. 

Dark One

Like last year, I’ll let Dan give the update.

Super Awesome Danger

I’ll let Isaac talk about this middle-grade graphic novel, as my part (the writing) has long been done, and we’re still finding time among the artists for finishing their part.

Part Four: Updates on Minor Projects


Once I finish Elantris, these two will be on my radar to finish next.


All finished for now. A new Reckoners book with Stephen Bohls is still a possibility. 

The Original

We have a release date for this novella! If you’re not aware, this is an audio original I did with the excellent Mary Robinette Kowal—and we’re now releasing an ebook version.  Look for it around the beginning of May.  

Big List of Cosmere Books

The Night Brigade, Dragonsteel, The Silence Divine, the Grand Apparatus, Mythos, the Aether World book series, Free Fall Seven Layer Burrito World, Unnamed Other Ashyn Book... Someday, someday. (Maybe.)

Part Five: Crowdfunding

As before, I’m going to pass this over to the relevant parties to give you updates, but first I wanted to let you know that we’re not planning a crowdfunding campaign for next year.

While we’d like to eventually get to doing one of these regularly every year, we also want to avoid starting new ones when we haven’t finished fulfillment on the last one.  While the Words of Radiance leatherbound is going out, Isles of the Emberdark won’t ship until fall of next year—and, we still have the RPG doing its fulfillment as well.

We sincerely appreciate all the attention, love, and support you’ve given us with these, and we want to make sure we’re always doing our best on the CURRENT project, rather than letting ourselves get distracted by what’s next. That’s always a balance, because planning for the future is in my nature, and part of what has made me successful. And there are always cool things I want to do.

At the same time, I want to be cautious. The moment we did our big Kickstarter campaign, a lot (and I mean a LOT) of people turned their eyes toward us in an effort to get to you. You’d probably be unsurprised to learn that I’ve had to take a baseball bat to fend off the people who would love to have me dupe you all with some crypto or NFT scam. But also, a lot of really great people have wanted to partner with us to do other things far more reputable via crowdfunding, and I’ve so far said no to them all. 

I feel like between Dragonsteel, and our gaming partner Brotherwise, we can do almost everything we’d want to do ourselves. I won’t completely discount the possibility of doing a big crowdfunding campaign for something like a film or a graphic novel line—but for now, we feel the best way to make good on the trust you’ve given us is to just fulfill what we’ve already promised, and make it incredible. 

Do expect the Hoid Storybook Collection to be a crowdfunding campaign in 2026. And likely, when we do the big “guys, this is the complicated one” board game with Brotherwise, that will be a crowdfunding campaign. Note that the Wheel of Time leatherbounds will NOT be done via crowdfunding.

Anyway, that’s probably me letting myself focus too much on the future again. Let’s talk about the ongoing campaigns.

Words of Radiance/Isles of the Emberdark Campaign

Kara here with a deep dive into the Words of Radiance Leatherbound Campaign.

So far we have completed shipping both $650 tiers and are now 18.70% percent through shipping the $325 tier. That means we have shipped 20,330 packages. Due to the level of customization in this campaign, each box takes significantly more effort than the monthly rewards shipped for the Secret Project Kickstarter campaign from 2023, so this is some pretty fantastic progress—especially considering some of the delays we faced back in August and September when we were waiting for those playing card decks! From here on, we have all the products we need to fulfill tier reward shipments and we’re just waiting for the coin holder add-ons. It’s full steam ahead in 2025! (At least, so long as we aren’t hit with an unexpected Desolation. Hold strong, Taln!)

Isles of the Emberdark, the new Secret Project debuted with the Words of Radiance Leatherbound campaign, is going to start early in the Fall of 2025. The pin design is nearly complete and it is so cute. You’ll love it. The sticker and bookmark are currently being designed and we’re looking forward to seeing more progress on those in 2025. And just like the other Secret Projects, the book cover and interior artwork are going to be stunning. Don’t let your jaw hit the floor too hard when you see them. Make sure you make room on your Sandershelf!

Peter: My Editorial team just finished the proofread on Isles of the Emberdark and will soon finish the last bit of typesetting before placing the beautiful art from Esther Hiʻilani Candari. We’ll deliver it to the printer in mid-January. After that we’ll start production on the audiobook, which will be narrated by Jennifer Jill Araya and Kaleo Griffith. 

Cosmere RPG by Brotherwise Games

Creative Director Johnny O'Neal: This year was the beginning of a new era for Cosmere tabletop games. In September, thanks to the incredible support of this community, the Cosmere Roleplaying Game became the #1 game Kickstarter of all time. In October, the Mistborn Deckbuilding Game made its debut, immediately sold through its first two printings, and recently reached #1 on the BoardGameGeek "Hotness" Top 50. (A third print run will hit stores in January.)

The Cosmere RPG team is currently wrapping up our Stormlight sourcebooks. The Stormlight Handbook is already off to the printers, with the World Guide and adventure books close behind. Everything's on track for our promised September 2025 delivery, and the core design team is already working hard on our Mistborn sourcebooks! You can check out our latest campaign update for some sneak peeks at Mistborn content.

I want to thank everyone who's making these games possible. We couldn't create them without Brandon, Karen, Dan, Isaac, and Ben providing creative partnership every step of the way. But it's ultimately your support and enthusiasm that's allowing us to commit the time and resources to make these games at the highest level of quality. Thank you, and here's to all the adventures we'll share in the year ahead!

Part Six: Hollywood and Video Games

An Explanation

To make conversations around film/television a little easier for you, I’m going to give a kind of rough list of steps it takes to get something made in Hollywood. It’s my intention to use this explanation in future years, so you can gauge movement on various properties—without expecting too much. If I say “this property is in Phase One,” you’ll know what I mean.

Often you’ll hear in the news “Such and such property is being developed for film!” You’ll get excited, then hear no news for years. That is because, despite what the news cycle (generating clicks with hype) would have you think, “Being developed for film” is one of the EARLY steps, not one of the later ones. Here is a rough list of events. This is simplified, and does not include many corner cases that experts could explain to you in better detail. This is also from the perspective of a rights holder, not a screenwriter, producer, or director—for whom the early steps are often different.

Phase One: Initial Option

Step One: Pitching

Many properties skip this step. It’s what it sounds like: you go to Hollywood with a property, and pitch it around. This can also happen later, if you put together more of a package yourself, with people attached. (See below.) 

Step Two: Interest  

This is where someone (usually a production company) in Hollywood comes to you and wants to explore picking up the rights. The reason step one is often skipped is because if a book series is doing well, you don’t often have to go pitch it. Sometimes, this interest is in the author, rather than the property. I’ve had tons of meetings where they just want to feel me out as a creator.

Step Three: Option

This is where the announcement often happens in the press that gets people excited, though it’s still very early on—and in the “easier” steps. That said, it can take months or years to go from interest to option, as a lot of people investigate, then decide not to make an offer. 

An option is like “renting” film/tv rights from an author. The studio pays money every year or so to keep the rights from being sold to someone else, with a big payout to come if they actually make the thing. The author gets some stable income off of their property, with a promise of more. The production company gets to know nobody else is going to snipe the property out from underneath them while they go through the very difficult next steps.

The option contract is usually a very long document spelling out just how the production company can proceed to get the full rights (buy them) at any time during the option period, which is often around five years. These are often independent producers looking to build a package out of a property, then sell it to one of the big players (a studio or streamer) with the producers remaining in an important decision-making position through the course of the production, where they will make their option money (and then some) back on their salaries and fees as producers on the property.

Once in a while, a studio or streamer themselves makes the option—and this is usually called a “studio deal.” This can skip some steps below, but not always, as these days studios often develop properties just as if they were independent producers, then shop them both to other arms of the studio and to places outside the studio. Sometimes there can be multiple phases of optioning, buying, and studio involvement.

(An example of this is the Wheel of Time. Originally optioned by Red Eagle, an independent pair of producers. Then eventually set up at Sony, who developed for a while before selling it to (or maybe partnering with? I don’t have all the details) Amazon, who eventually bankrolled and released the show.)

Phase Two: Development

Though I’m going to list a typical order for this next phase, know that everything in this list can happen really in any order, and I’ve seen it go in all sorts of ways. 

Step Four: Script

Often, at this point, the script is commissioned for films. Once in a while it is done earlier (for example, if an author is trying to act more like a producer, they might write or commission a script and take it to pitches). However, usually this only happens once the rights are locked up. 

For a television show, this is where you bring on your “showrunner” who is part screenwriter, part manager of a group of screenwriters. They’ll be the one to hire, and help the directors, for each episode, run the writer’s room, and generally be the head of production for a show. For a film, landing a director is usually a later step, and right now just a screenplay is commissioned. 

The hunt for the right screenwriter can take a long time—months and months—and the writing of the first draft of the script can take a long while as well. Once it’s in, there are often revision phases, where the script is worked on, or rewriters are brought in. In my experience, this is one of the big moments where development dies—a script comes in, and it isn’t liked enough by either the production company or the author.  Or the revisions go nowhere. Or whatever. I’ve had optioned books sit in the script stage for years.

Television works similarly, except they’re looking for a treatment (in this case, a kind of story bible for the series, with a breakdown of episodes) and maybe a script for the pilot.

Step Five: Attachment

Once a script is done (sometimes before on big properties), the producers will try to get some kind of big name attached. A lead star or two, or an interested director with enough of a name to get people at studios/streamers to pay attention. A project can at this point also pick up much larger names who are producers, people who see the potential and help elevate the property to a higher level of meetings and pitches. This is, yes, why you often see so many production company names at the start of films.  (Another is that the directors/actors sometimes have their own production companies who get involved.)

Step Six: Studio Signs On

Sometimes before the actor/director is involved, sometimes after, you will finally land the attention of a studio or streamer. They have the big pockets, and most production companies do not have the money (let alone the platform) to create a full-blown film or television show. In our current environment, for big-budget things, as my films or shows would have to be, you need a studio or a streaming platform. 

With the right package, script, and pitch you can get the studio to jump in and start bankrolling the thing. That said, once they get involved, they often start changing things structurally. (See the next part.) 

Step Seven: Studio Development

If you’re lucky, you’ll land a production deal after all this work—that means the studio will begin providing funding and a greenlight will happen quickly. Usually that doesn’t happen, and you do further development.

If you don’t have a production deal, what’s going to happen is the studio is going to review the script and ask for rewrites—or toss it out and commission a new one. If you’re so lucky as to have an actor or director attached, they’ll probably stay attached, but there will be work to get the missing pieces filled in. (There will still be many of those even if you have a big name attached.) This is the studio development phase.  During this phase, for television, a pilot might be ordered and filmed—though sometimes these don’t use the final cast.   

You can see that there are still some big hurdles ahead, which is why you shouldn’t hold your breath on any announcements.

Phase Three: Production

Step Eight: Final Approvals

You might think we’re there, but we aren’t. Because there are a few hoops to jump through. First, at this point (if not before—these days, it’s often before) the studio or producer “exercise their option” to buy the property, and pay that big lump sum contained in the original contract, meaning they get to own the property for film and television. Usually this is for a five-year period—during which, if they put out a film or show, the five-year period resets. This allows them to keep the rights in perpetuity, so long as they are making things with those rights.

Then you show it all to the people at the top. They’ll watch the pilot for a show or review the script and the attached people for a film. You all hold your breath and hope for final approval. This is usually called a “greenlight,” and for a television show involves a “series order” of a certain number of episodes. A budget is signed off on, and everything is a go.

I’ve never had one of my properties get past this stage, unless you count the Wheel of Time. I’ve had a few get very close, but nothing has been able to overcome this hurdle—and it seems that the vast majority of things that even get to this stage die right here. 

Step Nine: Greenlight

You are a go. You make the thing and spend the budget. This is obviously a very hard step, but I’m not going to write much about it here because at this point, what you know about the process is largely true. A lot of featurettes and bonus behind-the-scenes looks talk about this process. 

Usually, when you hear this step has happened, you can start celebrating and expecting to be able to see a property turn up on the screen. If I were you, this is where I’d let myself get excited, and not before. As we’ve seen in several high-profile cases recently, though, even this isn’t a guarantee the show or film will be released.  Sometimes, it turns out poorly enough that they shelve it rather than release it.  

Step Ten: Release

If this all goes well, then you finally have something released. 

So, for future years, this is our list, with the acknowledgment that some of these steps can happen out of order.

  • Step One: Pitch
  • Step Two: Interest
  • Step Three: Option
  • Step Four: Script
  • Step Five: Attachments
  • Step Six: Studio Signs On
  • Step Seven: Studio Development
  • Step Eight: Final Approvals
  • Step Nine: Production
  • Step Ten: Release

My Properties Right Now

Snapshot: Is in Studio Development for television, so actually quite far along. (In Step Seven.)

Skyward: Has been optioned for television, and is looking for a showrunner. (In Step Four.) 

Tress of the Emerald Sea: After going and doing pitches all this year, we are in the later interest stage for an animated television show, with maybe an offer of an option coming soon. (So in Step Two.)

Mistborn: Is at Step Zero right now, though recently it got as close as Step Six/Seven as a live-action film. (It’s tricky to point to where it got because this project did a lot more internal development than is usual—so it had basically done all of Step Seven before going out to pitch to studios. It got offers of development deals from studios, but no production deal, and the partners I had did not want to go back to script after all the work they did. 

As the studio didn’t want to do it the way the producers did, it died at the end of Step Six. If it had gone as we wanted, we would have skipped Step Seven and Eight entirely, as the production deal would have included a greenlight. We then would have gone straight to Step Nine—which was why I was so hopeful I could do an announcement for you. Alas, it did not happen. (Yes, this means stars were attached. No, Henry C. was not one of them. Yes, you’d recognize some of the names.  No, I can’t tell them to you.)

That’s everything, I’m afraid. I’ve said no to several offers on Cosmere properties over the last five years, as I was all-in on getting the Mistborn film made. Now that that has fallen through, I’m back to square one, basically, on the Cosmere. 

I do hold the rights currently for everything except Skyward and Snapshot. I hope to be able to announce the creative teams involved with those two for you soon enough—but I’ve learned that building hype before we have too much progress is counterproductive, so let’s keep our expectations tempered for now.  

Part Seven: News from my Company

All right! On to the part where the Officers of my company step forward to talk to you about their year, and anything they want to make you aware of!  Please give them your attention, starting with my wife and partner in crime, Emily.  


2024 has been quite a year! We put a bunch of books out into the world. We designed, produced and shipped some incredible merchandise. We sent several employees on various trips. We planned and executed a couple of amazing events. We moved all our employees from two locations to one. You’ll get more detail about these things below, and even that doesn’t begin to describe all that we’ve done at Dragonsteel this year. I am incredibly grateful to Dragonsteel’s amazing Officers, who led their teams to collaborate and made all of 2024’s accomplishments possible. I also have to express appreciation for the dedication and hard work of Brandon’s and my assistants, Becky Wilson and Ethan Skarstedt. They keep both of us pointed in the right direction. This year I personally have learned a lot about balancing. Balancing my time. Balancing my energy and emotions. Balancing my different roles. Life is a balancing act. I don’t have it all figured out, and probably never will, but it has been a fulfilling challenge to work on getting my loads better balanced so I can keep moving forward. I hope all of you are as excited as we at Dragonsteel are to start 2025 and experience all that it will bring.


Jane here, Director of The Lightweaver Foundation. Thanks to everyone that donated by purchasing an item or participating in charity focused programming at Nexus. Because of you, The Lightweaver Foundation was able to raise over $100,000 for some great causes in just three short days! 

Currently, there is a unique item auction that includes work from Dragonsteel partner artists, Wind and Truth ARC’s and a Tuckerization by Brandon in a future book! The auction ends tomorrow night so check it out at for more information.

In January 2025 Lightweaver Christmas ornaments and Worldhopper ball goblets will become available on the Lightweaver site. The release date will be announced on Brandon's socials prior to their release so keep an eye out for these exciting products, where all funds raised will go straight to the organizations Lightweaver supports.  


Peter here! Our major projects this year have been Wind and Truth, Isles of the Emberdark, and the three StoryDeck stories. Stormlight 5 was a huge undertaking—fun fact, for a book that wound up at 495,000 words (including the text on the illustrations), the beta reader comments totaled 1.3 million words. We hope you’ve enjoyed it and the StoryDeck stories, and we’re sure you’ll love Isles of the Emberdark when it comes out. Lately we’ve been working on Moment Zero, which will be the anchor story for the non-Cosmere collection Tailored Realities. It’s going to be exciting!

We’ve also been hard at work approving all the international publishing deals and releases. I’ve added some words from a selection of our international partners below.

Merchandise and Events

Hello, everyone! It’s Kara with a peek through the M&E perpendicularity.

It was a major year for all of us. Coming off the Secret Project Kickstarter campaign we fulfilled in 2023, we had even more secrets up our sleeve this year that we were incredibly excited to unveil. The first major project of the year was the Words of Radiance Leatherbound campaign on BackerKit, where we had our first epic reveal of Brandon’s New Secret Project coming in 2025—Isles of the Emberdark—as well as the second printing of The Way of Kings Prime and a new entry to the Sanderson Curiosity lineup, Dragonsteel Prime! We are excited to complete fulfillment for this campaign in 2025, and free up some space (currently filled with spren plushies) in our warehouse!

You’ve likely already noticed that our webstore received a facelift and is looking better than ever. But it’s not just the look that’s improved, we’ve also added dozens of new, high-quality products to our store catalog like our Knights Radiant apparel, the Stormlight Hoodie, and seven new character pins (Lift is my favorite, she’s… awesome.) And if you missed the buzz about Light Day, fans placed over 20,000 orders! Our warehouse team has been hard at work to ship those items out to you while also keeping up with crowdfunding fulfillment. Give them a round of applause for bringing the Cosmere—and other beloved Sanderson tales—to your door! None of this would be possible without them.

We also had the opportunity to see so many of you in person at five major conventions around the U.S.: PAX East, C2E2, GenCon, FanX, and our very own Dragonsteel Nexus 2024! At Nexus, we had another one of our major secret reveals: Story Deck, the world’s first trading card story. It was incredible to see just how much you enjoyed collecting, trading, and revelling in three brand new stories told in a never-before-seen format. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! We had the announcement of The Eye of the World Leatherbound. We are so humbled to have the chance to render Robert Jordan’s incredible work in our “nerd-chique,” Dragonsteel style. We also hosted the inaugural Worldhopper Ball, where we celebrated the union of Shallan Davar and Adolin Kholin. As the first, live adaptation of Brandon’s work and worlds, we can only begin to express just how hard our team worked to do it justice. A major shoutout to the Paladin Creative team and their fantastic cast and crew that helped make it happen. 

All this to say, it means the world to us to have personal interactions with you as we share our love of the Cosmere and all things storytelling. In 2025, we have five more conventions lined up, planning for DSNX25 is already underway, and we have plenty of exciting new products lined up that you are going to absolutely love!

 Announcements to come, so stay tuned to our social media channels. We’re excited to see you all again—this time around the world, we’re talking about you, Spain—next year!


Hello, Everyone! Matt, here. What a year 2024 turned out to be! And what a way to end with Wind and Truth & Dragonsteel Nexus! I am writing this sitting at Dragonsteel HQ where, after completing the expansion of our facility this September, our employees now work out of one location. And we couldn’t be happier about it! This has been a boon to employee collaboration and community, which I know has contributed already to Dragonsteel’s mission. So, what else has changed? In 2024, we hired fifteen employees across four departments. Two of those wonderful people joined my team: Jerrod Walker who is helping coordinate our various HR needs, and Christian Fairbanks who assists with Operations tasks. Plus, because of your amazing response to all things Dragonsteel, we hired ten seasonal employees to help us fulfill our commitments to you. And, it was a sincere joy to hire and work with our temporary convention staff made up of 250 Squires to help deliver an unforgettable DSNX 2024! Of course, much more happened this year than I’ve shared, as my team did its best to make Dragonsteel an awesome place to work. I couldn’t have done any of that without the daily dedication from such caring and passionate people, namely Jane Horne, Lex Willhite, Kathy Sanderson, Jerrod Walker, Makena Saluone, Christian Fairbanks, and Braydonn Moore, and the queen of Special Ops herself, Emily Sanderson.

For those curious about 2025 and hiring, we are examining the needs of our departments and working on new job opportunities! I don’t anticipate as much hiring next year, but if you don’t want to miss those opportunities, follow our socials and keep an eye on the Jobs page on 

I can’t wait to see what comes next. Cheers to new beginnings that come in 2025 for fans and fellow employees alike! 

Publicity and Marketing

Hey all, Adam here! Let’s get into it.

2024 was a big year for Dragonsteel, and the P&M department was right in the thick of it. From gathering content to traveling for events, creating marketing campaigns, and shaping our brand story, we’ve been busy bringing the best of Dragonsteel to you.

This year, we expanded our team! You might recognize Donald George Mustard III from Intentionally Blank. As our video editing powerhouse, he’s already made a big impact. And Tayan Hatch joined as our Marketing Coordinator, managing the blog, The Cognitive Realm, as well as the newsletter and other campaigns.

We kicked off the year with the Say the Words video series leading up to the Words of Radiance Leatherbound BackerKit campaign. Huge thanks to Dan Wells for championing the story and to Taylor Hatch for producing these awesome narrative pieces.

To improve accessibility and your experience, we revamped our sites: Brandon’s site, Dragonsteel Books, and the Lightweaver Foundation site. This was phase one, and we’re planning to make them even better in 2025. That’ll include revitalizing the FAQ as well, so keep an eye out!

The Cognitive Realm blog has been an exciting new project, and we’re just getting started. Expect even more articles, behind-the-scenes content, and features next year. If you haven’t yet, bookmark the blog, sign up for our newsletter, subscribe to our YouTube, and follow our socials to stay updated.

At GenCon, we captured all the hype around the Cosmere TTRPG with Brotherwise Games. You can find highlights on The Cognitive Realm and our YouTube channel.

This year also saw collaborations with incredible creators like NerdForge, Travis Gafford, Holly Black, Brian McClellan, and more. On The Cognitive Realm, we interviewed Brandon, Isaac Stewart, and Michael Whelan about the Wind and Truth cover, alongside many social campaigns that celebrated its release, which hit number one on both the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists! Thank you to Octavia Escamilla for all of her amazing work keeping up with the hype on social media.

Events like C2E2, FanX, and Dragonsteel Nexus 2024 kept us on our toes. For DSNX, we worked with Paladin Creative and the Events team to help develop and promote the Worldhopper Ball. And, during the event we got tons of amazing photos you can now view on Dragonsteel Books.

Looking ahead, we’re going to record Brandon’s BYU writing class, bringing you key concepts and lectures via blog and video. We’ll also attend Celsius 232 in Spain (looking forward to collaborating with some international influencers and covering the event) and capture the creation of The Eye of the World leatherbound, a campaign that will heavily feature our work with Harriet McDougal (Bandersnatch) and Tor Publishing Group. Those are just a few highlights in what I’m sure will be as busy and exciting a year as ever!

Thank you for an amazing 2024! You guys are the reason we do all of this. 


Hi! This is Dan, and Brandon has already covered most of what I have to say. This year we worked on a ton of book projects already detailed in the “My Year” section, but the big triumph for me was finally being able to debut Story Deck: the trading card stories that appeared at Dragonsteel Nexus. This was a massive project that took two years of work, and every department in the company played a huge part in getting it created and published and out into the world. It was also a massive success, and we look forward to doing it again several years down the road. If you weren’t at Nexus I promise that these stories will be published in other forms, though we are allowing them to be Story Deck-exclusive for at least a year.

What’s coming next? Brandon has already covered most of that, as well, so I’ll just step in to say that Dark One continues to trudge along, and we have a handful of secret things which, like Story Deck, I will say nothing about until they are much farther along. But since there are a few questions I know you’re asking, I’ll provide a handful of lightning-round answers. Yes, I am working on a new series set in the Cosmere. No, it isn’t about Threnody. Yes, I will inevitably write something about the Night Brigade. No, I can’t tell you when any of this comes out. Yes, we are also working on non-Cosmere projects. No, I won’t tell you about any of those either. Yes, they are awesome.

You’re the best fans in the world. Take care of each other, and be kind to yourselves. 

Creative Development

Isaac here with our yearly department update. First off, thanks to all of you who made it to Nexus and came by to say hello to me and my department. We love getting to meet you and hear your stories—please come again next year and say hello!

Last year I talked a little about those who had joined the department in 2023, so let’s talk a little about who we added in 2024.

Ben McSweeney moved to join us in-office as our art director in charge of prime art, which I’ll explain a little about below. He’s been working with us remotely for years now. For example, he’s the one who does the Shallan sketchbook pages, a lot of the Cytoverse ship and alien art, and so many other things. It’s great to finally have him just down the hall. 

In January, we added a new member to the team, Shawn Boyles, whose art you might’ve seen before if you’re familiar with Mistborn Llamas, the first five Dragonsteel holiday cards (I’m looking at you, Mistborn Santa), the map for Warbreaker, and various other awesome things. He and I collaborated years ago on the Dragonsteel logo, so he’s been working on things with us behind the scenes for quite some time. I’m happy to have him on board as our art director over specialty books and merchandise.

Book of Nails

One of the questions I often get asked is how my Cosmere book is progressing. For those who haven’t heard of it, Book of Nails is set on Scadrial and follows the adventures of Nicelle Sauvage, aka Nicki Savage from the Era 2 broadsheets--though the novel presents events as they actually happened rather than in a sensational serialized story written by Nicki.

With the addition of a few art directors to the creative team, I’m starting to reclaim a little time to work on the story. This year I received amazing feedback from a beta read we held for the first part of the book. Additionally, I’ve been running chapters through members of the department and Brandon’s writing group. There’s a list of changes to make, but I’m confident in the story’s direction and can’t wait for you to see it. I’ll be working through feedback and making revisions over the next several months.

Super Awesome Danger

There were a lot of projects vying for our attention this year, but we managed to keep progressing on this. Ben McSweeney is further along on the layout while Hayley Lazo continues to work on the pencils. It’s turning out awesome. In fact, I’d say it’s turning out super awesome.

Prime Art

Prime Art is what we call art that is showing us characters, settings, items, etc, for the first time. So whether it’s concept art or finished pieces going into a book that is being published for the first time, these all count as prime art.

A good chunk of the year was spent working on visuals for Wind and Truth while also balancing concept art for Brotherwise and Mistborn Era 3. Of course, other things sneak in here and there as we need them, so concept art was worked on for Isles of the Emberdark and the Worldhopper Ball. for which our department also helped in other ways.

Specialty Books

This year we saw the release of Words of Radiance and Bands of Mourning in leatherbound. Next year expect to see The Lost Metal leatherbound in the fall/winter and The Eye of the World in the winter.

Something to keep in mind with the Wheel of Time® leatherbound books is that the first one takes the longest to design because we’re setting up the paradigm we’re going to follow for the rest of the series. Rest assured that we’re taking the time we need to get this first one exactly how we want it.

Additionally we’ve been hard at work on Isles of the Emberdark and Tailored Realities. Both books are turning out great. We can’t wait for you to get your hands on them. 

Merch Development

The team was instrumental in the designs for items you saw in the Words of Radiance crowdfunding campaign and the wonderful art and designs seen with all the products we released throughout the year. StoryDeck® was a huge hit at Dragonsteel Nexus, and we spent a huge chunk of the year (and part of 2023) sourcing and creating art and designs for it. Everyone involved in both the products and StoryDeck did fantastic work

The Future

I’m incredibly grateful for and proud of the team and everything they’ve done this year. (Not just in the creative department, but in all departments at Dragonsteel.) They are a huge reason why I was able to find time to not only work on Book of Nails, but also had the chance to work with Brandon on “King Lopen the First of Alethkar,” which I’m extremely happy with.

(As an aside, I got to write part of it in a rented car as Kara and I drove the Florida Keys from Miami to Key West. Pieces of it were even written while I was visiting the grounds of Ernest Hemingway’s house, which is now a historical site. I occasionally stopped to pet six-toed cats, the descendants of one of Hemingway’s original cats.)

In the year ahead, I do not anticipate writing with polydactyline felines (the name of my next rock band), but the creative department has already been hard at work on some fun things that run the gamut from leatherbound books, more prime art, Nexus 2025, and lots of cool new products.

As always, thank you for joining us on the journey. May your feet never tire!

Part Eight: International Releases

Brazil (Trama)

In 2024, Trama published the following titles: The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England (April), Oathbringer (October) and Warbreaker (November). At the beginning of December, Warbreaker performed as #1 in fiction on BookInfo data.

In 2025, Trama plans to publish the following titles: Mistborn, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages (April/May), Yumi and the Nightmare Painter (June/July), and Rhythm of War (October/November).

Our edition of Warbreaker is breaking barriers and getting attention from people around the world. Including messages from Spain, Latin America, and France. The best way to acquire the Brazilian editions is through Amazon.

The biggest nerd/geek Brazilian portal announced with exclusivity the release of Warbreaker and Oathbringer this year. This resonates in all social media:

Bulgaria (Studio of A)

In 2024, Artline Studios has released new editions of the first four books in the Stormlight Archive series, featuring printed edges and new cover art by Bulgarian artist Yasen Stoilov. They have also published Dawnshard, Defiant, The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England, The Sunlit Man, and Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, as well as a 10th-anniversary edition of Elantris, The Knights of Crystallia and a box set of the first three books in Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians series with redesigned covers.

Looking ahead to 2025, Artline Studios is planning to release Edgedancer in January, Wind and Truth in the spring and Skyward Flight: The Collection: Sunreach, ReDawn, Evershore. In the coming year, they are also planning to delight readers with new editions of the complete Skyward series and the Reckoners series, reflecting the publishing house’s new redesign concept for Sanderson’s books.

Artline Studios’ books are available at and other Bulgarian local and online bookstores. During the year is planning to start offering international shipping for all fans of the Bulgarian editions around the world.

France (Livre de Poche)

In 2024, Le Livre de Poche published in January the 10th anniversary edition paperback of Warbreaker; in May The Lost Metal (Le Métal perdu), the last book of Mistborn: Wax & Wayne series; in October Defiant (Rebelle), the last book of Skyward series, simultaneously with the paperback edition of Cytonic (Cytonique); and in December all six Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians books collected in 3 illustrated volumes. 

In 2025, they’ll release paperback edition of Tress of the Emerald Sea (Tress de la Mer Émeraude) in January and paperback edition of The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England (Manuel de survie du Sorcier Frugal dans l’Angleterre médiévale) in March. They’ll also release in 2025 Wind and Truth in 2 volumes and a hardcover collector edition of Mistborn Era 1 (trilogie originale de Fils-des-brumes) before Christmas. 

Fans from other countries can buy the books in French bookstores, or in local bookstores that ship internationally, and if not on the online bookstores such as Place des libraires, Mollat, Décitre, Furets du Nord, Dialogues, and Cultura, or online retailers like, Amazon, Rakuten, Momox and many others. You will find all the many ways to get Brandon’s books in French on our website. Many of Brandon Sanderson's French books are also available in digital format.

Germany (Heyne)

Recent Books 2024

Das Herz der Sonne (The Sunlit Man), translated by Michael Siefener. Heyne, hardcover, published January 11th, 2024.

Stephen Leeds – Tod aus der Vergangenheit (Stephen Leeds: Death & Faxes – Legion). Translated by Michael Siefener, Voice Acting by Detlef Bierstedt. Random House Audio. Published June 3rd, 2024 

Upcoming Books 2025

Winde und Wahrheit (Wind and Truth, Part I), translated by Michael Siefener. Heyne, hardcover. Publication planned: May 14th, 2025. 

Der Kampf der Meister (Wind and Truth, Part II), translated by Michael Siefener. Heyne, hardcover. Publication planned: September 9th, 2025.

Where to Buy

Brandon Sanderson books at…

Reviews, Articles, Postings

Germany (Droemer) 

In 2024, we have published Defiant on May 2nd, in paperback and e-book.

In 2025, we will publish Yumi and the Nightmare Painter on April 1st, in hardcover and e-book. Our books are available worldwide, e.g. via Amazon. 

The reviews and articles we received this year for Defiant were all quite positive.

Germany (Piper)

In 2024 we published Handbuch für den genügsamen Zauberer: Überleben im mittelalterlichen England, the German translation of Secret Project #2 The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook to Surviving Medieval England in print (hardcover), e-book and audio format (by Hörbuch Hamburg (HHV)).

Italy (Mondadori)

In 2024, we published an Italian hardcover of Tress of the Emerald Sea on April 4, and a paperback edition of The Bands of Mourning on May 28 and The Lost Metal on October 24.

We'll publish Wind and Truth in June 2025 and The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England in September 2025.  

International fans can purchase our edition on Amazon or other Italian bookstores such as: Mondadori Store and Feltrinelli Store.

We decided to gift 50 copies of Tress of the Emerald Sea for our 2024 Advent Calendar with a special letter from the Author and a themed package with the cover and endpapers illustration: The winners will be drawn by the notary on January the 13rd. Here is a link of the contest's announcement on our Instagram page.

Poland (MAG)

2024 was a typical transitional year (no new books) between a very busy 2023 (we published all the secret projects, among other things) and 2025, which will be Brandon Sanderson's year for us. 

In 2025 we plan to publish the following titles:

  • On 26 February Wind and Truth Part 1 (paperback, hardcover, ebook, audio)
  • On 26 March Warbreaker - 10th Anniversary Edition (hardcover, ebook)
  • On 21 May Wind and Truth Part 2 (paperback, hardcover, ebook, audio)

In the first half of 2025 Words of Radiance 10th Anniversary Edition (paperback, hardcover, ebook). In the second half of 2025 (we haven't set dates yet), we want to publish: Isles of the Emberdark, Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians and Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener's Bones.

In addition, we will release new editions (new covers, sprayed edges) of Mistborn and Elantris in late 2025. This is the beginning of the reissues of all the books, scheduled for 2026 and the first half of 2027. 

Here are some online bookstores that ship worldwide:

Here are some links to the reviews and articles from 2023 and 2024:

Spain and Latin America (Nova)

In 2024, Nova published the paperbacks of the Mistborn Original Trilogy and the Mistborn Wax & Wayne Series with the new covers premiered by Tor. They also published the illustrated hardcover edition of The Alloy of Law. 

On December 9, they released Wind and Truth, which immediately reached #1 on Amazon Spain and was the #1 trending topic in Spanish. The book is having a big impact on the media (some links below) and among hundreds of readers, who queued at the Gigamesh bookstore in Barcelona on the opening day of December 9. 

Wind and Truth will be published in various Latin American countries between February and March.

In 2025, Nova will release Isles of the Emberdark and the illustrated editions of Wax & Wayne 2 and 3 before welcoming Brandon at the Celsius Festival in northern Spain (July 15–19).

Taiwan (Fantasy Foundation)

Taiwan (Fantasy Foundation, Complex Chinese language edition)

“Welcome everyone to follow our steps, the adventure in the fantasy world is about to begin.”

In 2024, Fantasy Foundation published Tress of The Emerald Sea, The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter in premium version (full color with the illustrations) and standard version, and Defiant (paperback version) in October. 

In 2025 they will release The Sunlit Man (premium version) in February, Way of Kings (10th anniversary hardcover version) in May, Words of Radiance (10th anniversary hardcover version) and Isles of the Emberdark in October. In February 2026, they will publish Wind and Truth.

Fans from other countries can buy the books in Taiwan bookstores, or in local bookstores that ship internationally, such as, Eslite Online, Cite Reading Garden.

Turkey (Arkadas)

We have published Bastille vs. the Evil Librarians on 16th May 2024. We published the title soft cover. We are planning to publish Wind and Truth in September 2025. The translation process is continuing now. 

For the fans that would like to acquire the Turkish editions of the series, they can buy them via The readers from the Middle East and Azerbaijan can also buy the titles via

We make a lot of announcements on social media channels. We also prepare and publish banners in online stores, including Amazon and our website.

Ukraine (Family Leisure Club)

Rhythm of War published in hardback and will be on sale January 1, 2025 with a 5,000 copy first print run. Previously, Oathbringer was published in hardback on July 1st 2024 and has already been reprinted with another 3,000 copies!

We plan to publish the most anticipated Wind and Truth in the very end of 2025. We are also planning to publish the Stormlight novellas, Edgedancer and Dawnshard.

Unfortunately at the moment we do not sell internationally.

All the publicity we did—please follow this link.

Part Nine: Projected Schedule

Earlier this year, I sat down and (using my spreadsheet) planned out the next few years, and I’ll share that in a sec. First, let’s see what I said last year about my schedule. 

  • December 2024: Wind and Truth
  • Spring 2025: Skyward Legacy One(?)
  • December 2025: White Sand Novel/Dark One(?)
  • Spring 2026: Skyward Legacy Two(?)
  • December 2026: Skyward Legacy Three(?)
  • December 2026: Horneater(?)
  • December 2027: TBD
  • December 2028: Ghostbloods 1
  • Summer 2029: Elantris 2
  • December 2029: Ghostbloods 2
  • Summer 2030: Elantris 3
  • December 2030: Ghostbloods 3

So, Wind and Truth happened, but I believe both the White Sand Novel and Dark One are pushed back—with Tailored Realities being the book for 2025, along with Isles of the Emberdark (which I sprang on my team for the Words of Radiance leatherbound crowdfunding campaign) being also a 2025/26 release.

Janci also wants a little more time with the Skyward sequel series, which I believe she’s got a better name for than Skyward Legacy. I’ve scheduled a rough draft turn-in of Ghostbloods One for July 2025, and a Book Two turn in (rough draft) for early February 2026. I have two months scheduled for the first draft of Horneater, followed by Ghostbloods 3 to be turned in at the end of the year. (Also with time to do revisions on Horneater.)

This will put me with all three books’ ROUGH DRAFT in hand in January 2027. Now, these books are projected at 200k in length, or double the length of a Wax and Wayne book (and around the same length as the original trilogy volumes). So the turn-in for these will be influenced by how long they actually end up being—they could always go longer or be shorter. 

Assuming we have them all in hand, I’ll probably want a break to write Elantris 2 the first half of 2027, then spend the rest of 2027 getting Ghostbloods one into shape for Nexus 2028. I’ll then spend 2028 getting Elantris 2 revised and Elantris 3 written.  2029 will be a heavy revision year, getting all of those books ready, and is when I’ll probably also dive into Stormlight 6. I therefore think that the above schedule is a pretty good one, still, for when I release these books.

Looking at that, I hope you can understand why it will take me a little time to get back to Stormlight, which I should spend 2030 and 2031 on, for a late 2031 release. (I’ve seen 2033 bandied about online, which I don’t think is likely. Remember, while books are coming out 2029-2030, I’ll be writing on Stormlight.)

So we’re looking at a 6-year gap, instead of a 3-year gap this time, assuming that plan above works as I think it will.   

  • Fall 2025: Isles of the Emberdark (Crowdfunding fulfillment)
  • December 2025: Tailored Realities
  • Early 2026: Isles of the Emberdark (Tor release)
  • Spring/Summer 2026: Skyward Legacy One (?)
  • December 2026: Dark One or Isaac’s Cosmere Novel
  • Sometime 2027: Dark One or Isaac’s Cosmere Novel
  • December 2028: Ghostbloods 1
  • Summer 2029: Elantris 2
  • December 2029: Ghostbloods 2
  • Summer 2030: Elantris 3
  • December 2030: Ghostbloods 3
  • December 2031: Stormlight 6

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