Skyward is out next week!

Adam here. With Skyward being released next week I wanted to go over the few options you have to get a signed and numbered copy as well as the release party details.

If you’ve been paying attention to Brandon’s social media channels none of what I’m about to tell you will come as a surprise. And don’t forget: by pre-ordering Skyward, and filling out this form, you can receive an exclusive map print featuring the world of Skyward signed by Brandon!

Option One
The first option is to “pre-order” your book by calling or visiting the Orem Barnes & Noble. You don’t need to pay for it when ordering but it gets your name on the list so you are guaranteed a book for the release party.

I will go into more details on this later.

Option Two
For those unable to attend the release party in Orem—or if you like to donate to charity—your best option is to order a copy from Weller Book Works. There are only 500 copies available and they can only be ordered from their website. Specific details are on their website, but these few points will give you the gist.

  • They ship internationally
  • Continuing the tradition we started with Oathbringer, we are asking for small donations for inscriptions. If you’re looking for just your name and a quote of Brandon’s choosing, it is $5.00. If you’re looking for anything other than that (some have asked for limericks in the past), we’re asking for a $20.00 donation.

Details for the release party

9:00 a.m. – Doors open and wristbands will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis. Your line number is your book number with the first 300 book numbers being reserved for those on the pre-order list.

6:00 p.m. – Readers can begin to assemble at the Orem Barnes & Noble. There will be a raffle, game, and picture op available.

7:00 p.m. – Brandon’s presentation followed by a Q&A. The signing will begin as soon as Brandon is finished.

A few additional notes

  • One numbered wristband per Skyward book. One companion wristband may be requested per number.
  • If you are bringing your own copy of Skyward, you may request a book number, but it will be after all the Barnes & Noble numbered books.
  • If you are coming to the signing and you are not planning to bring a Skyward book to be signed, you may receive a wristband for the event but will be asked to wait until the numbered wristbands have been asked to line up. A purchase is not required, but encouraged.
  • If you do not want a Skyward book signed, but have other books you would like signed by Brandon, you will receive a different colored wristband and will be admitted into the line after all the line numbers have been called.
  • All books will need to be paid for before you leave the event. Not prior to the event.

A note about numbered copies of Skyward:

Skyward book numbers will be shared with other bookstores (like Weller Book Works), so the book numbers available for the release event are as follows:

    • The Orem Barnes & Noble event will have the following book numbers for copies of Skyward pre-ordered through them:
  • 1-99, 200-299, 400-499
    • Those who wait to buy the book at the Orem Barnes & Noble on the day of release will have the following book numbers:
  • 600-699, 800-899*
    • Those who are bringing a Skyward book NOT purchased from the Orem B&N will be given these book numbers:
  • 1000-1099, etc.*

*These numbers will be pushed back if pre-orders exceed 300.

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