Signing in Eagle Mountain with the Writing Excuses crew

This Saturday (July 31st) Howard Tayler, Dan Wells, and I will be appearing at the Dragons & Fairy Tales bookstore in Eagle Mountain, UT from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. We’ll be recording at least two episodes of our Writing Excuses podcast live in the store, and then we’ll sign books.

Howard will be launching his new Schlock Mercenary book, RESIDENT MAD SCIENTIST, and Dan and I will sign whatever books you bring (though it’s nice to support the store by buying something there that day). There should be plenty of copies available of I AM NOT A SERIAL KILLER, and Dan will give one lucky attendee an advance copy of its sequel, MR. MONSTER. My books will also be available, including hard-to-find hardcovers like ELANTRIS.

Google Maps used not to show the correct location for the store, so the last time I signed there I put up a map. But Google now locates the address correctly. Hooray!

Date: 07.31.10 Time: 5:00 pm-8:00 pm
Place: Dragons & Fairy Tales Books & Games
Address: 3535 E Ranches Pkwy Suite A
Eagle Mountain, UT 84005
Phone: (801) 789-5014

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