Signed The Rithmatist hardcovers, new paperbacks, new UK artwork + ebooks

It’s now been a year since The Rithmatist was released, so my assistant Kara has made signed hardcovers available in my store.

For those of you who prefer paperbacks, Tor has released a new trade paperback that you can find in the teen section of the bookstore. (Or you can use the “Trade Paper” links to the upper right.)

There’s also going to be a new cover illustration for the book in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and associated territories. Right now it’s only on the ebook version; a new paperback will appear later. You can see the cover art below, and click the various tabs above to find the ebook in your country.

In other news, the Altered Perceptions anthology is 85% funded with 33 hours left! There are still two slots open to Join Bridge Four!

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