Signed and Numbered copies from Weller Book Works

Adam here. In recent years, when Brandon releases a new book, we have offered a limited quantity of signed and numbered copies to Weller Book Works—a local book seller—to ship copies around the world for people who are unable to attend the release party. Starting with Oathbringer, we opted to turn this into a fundraising event by asking for small donations that will be sent to Worldbuilders—a geek-centered nonprofit supporting humanitarian efforts worldwide—which you should definitely check out.

Below you can read a message from Brandon about his idea and the specifics for ordering. You can see these, as well as order your copy, from the Weller Book Works website.

From Weller Book Works

Each signed and numbered copy is $19.99 plus Utah State Sales tax or New York State Sales tax where applicable, and shipping and handling. Inscriptions will require an additional $5 or $20 donation to charity as described by Brandon below. If you do not want an inscription, choose “none” in the inscription box before you click Add to cart.

This offer is limited to 300 copies. One copy per person please.

Books will ship to arrive as soon after the November 26, 2019 release date as possible. Shipping will be via USPS Priority Mail or First Class International Mail only.

Customers with credit cards drawn on banks outside the United States will need to pay with the PayPal interface. We’re sorry, this requirement comes from our credit card processor.

A Message from Brandon

Every year, it gets harder and harder to do these signings, as readers’ requests of me grow increasingly extravagant, with people asking me to draw sketches or write limericks in their books. I love and appreciate my fans, and I don’t want to stop doing the signings, but boy is it getting tough to manage all of this.

I’ve decided the best way to handle this is to start charging a bit for charity in exchange for handling the more difficult requests. In part, this is to make sure that the people who truly want a personalization or more lengthy inscription are the ones getting one. I fear that many people see the posts by other people with extravagant requests fulfilled in their books, and then feel they need to ask for something similar.

If you just want your book signed (along with the number) then there is no charge. But if you want a personalization, this requires a donation to benefit Worldbuilders. Every donation made for inscriptions will be matched by the Lightweaver Foundation.

For a $5 donation to Worldbuilders, in addition to the price of the book, I will personalize your copy with a name of your choice-and will write a short line (chosen by me) from the book. You can, instead of the quote, ask for something very simple. A “Happy Birthday” or the date, or something along those lines. Nothing more than three or four words. “Rust and Ruin” or “Life before Death” would be appropriate. The entire first paragraph of The Eye of the World would not be, nor would asking me to do a sketch. In most cases, I suggest just leaving me with a name, and letting me use the quote I’ve chosen.

For a $20 donation to Worldbuilders, you can ask something more extreme of me. This still has to be within reason. Along with a name, you can ask me to write a specific quote in the book up to around fifty words, or you can ask for a simple sketch, or something like that. (If you must have a limerick, then I’ll do that.)

Please note that my handwriting, as you may already know, is not fantastic-and the longer the thing you ask me to write, the more cramped it is going to look in the book. (Also, I can’t draw worth a hill of beans, so be careful asking for sketches. You’ll get a stick figure.)

Hopefully, this will calm things down a little for me during the signing process, but also make it certain that the people who have a special request are taken care of-all while doing some good for charity.

As always, thanks for reading, and please feel free to send me feedback about policies like this through the email form on my website.


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