Rhythm of War ARC Giveaway!

Adam here. And I have another exciting giveaway in celebration of, not only the upcoming release of Rhythm of War but also because Brandon’s newsletter just surpassed 100K subscribers. So firstly, thank you so much for your trust and willingness to deal with the extra form mail delivered to your inbox. We try not to send more than 4-5 per year so as to not become annoying (hopefully) and will continue to treat you with the respect you deserve.
Now on the fun stuff!
If you’re a follower of Brandon’s YouTube channel, then the prizes I’m offering for this giveaway won’t surprise you. But I know most of you reading this will be interested in entering.
So, what’s on the line? Well, I will be giving away five (5) signed and numbered advanced reading copies (ARCs) of Rhythm of War. The winners won’t be getting the copies too early, but the real prize is in the rarity of owning one of these books as there are only 48 signed and numbered copies in existence. So, anyone who wins should feel very lucky indeed. This contest is open to anyone worldwide so long as we can find a way to ship it to you.
(Insert infomercial voice here) That’s not all though! One Grand-Prize Winner will also receive this incredible Bridge 4 Shield for Forged Foam!
How to enter
All you need to do to enter to win this giveaway is email contest@brandonsanderson.com with the subject: RoW ARC. Only one entry per person. All entries must be received by noon EST Friday, November 13th, 2020 to be eligible to win. Entering more than once will automatically disqualify you. As this is, in part, a celebration of Brandon’s newsletter reaching 100k subscribers, you must be a current subscriber to win (I will be checking). You can sign up here, or by scrolling to the bottom of this page.
After the contest has ended, I will randomly select the five winners and contact them via email.
Good luck!