Online Events This Week + Updates

I have two online events to talk about: the Booktalk Nation Video Chat on Wednesday, and the second writing/brainstorming livestream on Friday.

The Wednesday event is hosted by Booktalk Nation, and it will run for half an hour starting at 5:00 p.m. Mountain time (7:00 p.m. Eastern, 4:00 p.m. Pacific, 23:00 GMT). In the first part of the event I’ll be talking about Words of Radiance, and then I’ll take audience questions. I’ll tell everyone to avoid spoilers, so don’t worry about that. The event is free, but you do have to reserve a spot here. You can also order a signed copy of Words of Radiance at that link.

On Friday I’m doing part 2 of the live writing event that I did back in January. You can see the recorded video of that event here, and you can read the text of the story so far here. Part 2 will also be livestreamed, but I’ll also be doing it in front of a live audience at JordanCon. (I’ll post more about JordanCon on Thursday, but if you’re in the Atlanta area, consider coming on down. Registration is required.) The livestream will be hosted on the Waygate Foundation’s channel, and like last time I’ll be taking your brainstorming suggestions for how the story should proceed. It starts at 8:30 p.m. Eastern time Friday (0:30 GMT Saturday) and will run for a few hours. There may be some surprises during the stream; we’ll have to see! And as last time, Waygate will be accepting charity donations during the livestream.

I do have a few more things to update you on today. My assistant Peter has updated the March Twitter posts archive to cover the whole month, and begun the April tweets archive.

Writing Excuses has three new episodes: 3-pronged character development, how to have an opinion as a public figure, and becoming a writer—full disclosure. Check them out.

The Shardhunt is almost over; the most recent unlock is the deleted prologue from The Emperor’s Soul. There’s one more unlockable left, and you should be able to guess what it will be.

Here are a few Shardhunt stores that I haven’t mentioned yet. Give them a call and see if there are still any Szeth cards and signed bookplates (or signatures) left.

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