New Project Announcement + W&W4 and Kickstarter Update

Brandon here. I have a lot of updates this week. I have, like, four things I need to talk to you about.
First one is Cytonic. We have announced the name of the third book in the Skyward series. We have announced a release date. It’s up for preorder. We’ve got a cover. Everything’s going well. We’ve been getting a lot of questions about are we going to do an actual release party in person? The plan is yes. Unless something happens that causes everyone to go on lockdown again, which let’s hope that nothing happens, we will be doing a release party. Probably not a tour. We’ll probably be doing some sort of digital thing like we did with Rhythm of War. So for those who can’t make it. But for those who want to save that evening and maybe, I think, the day before we might be doing some stuff. So keep an eye out for announcements regarding that.
Regarding the leather bounds from the Kickstarter. We have finished sending out all of wave one. These were the people who backed first, mostly the first day, before we opened up another rung of these sorts of other leather bounds. All of those, including all of your books, all of your swag, if you ordered in that first wave. We called it the 2020 wave, which is a little bit confusing because all of you ordered in 2020. But there was a second wave where it said at the top of your order, yours will come in 2021. Those have started going out. That means everyone in the first wave should have gotten your stuff, and everyone in the second wave, your leather bounds have started to ship, and all of the swag has started to ship.
Now this is going to take us several months. We have to go through thousands of you, and we can only do so many at a time. We ship out some every week. But it’s not like they all go out at once. We have, those will be going on. I’ll keep you updated on that.
But if you were in the first wave—now, double check because a lot of people will email us and say, “I ordered in 2020 but they’re not here and you said the 2020 ones are out.” The 2020 group was like the first hour of the Kickstarter. So those should all go out. If you haven’t gotten yours, it probably means you didn’t fill out your form on Kickstarter.
Number three, Wax and Wayne update, inching up on 50%. I just moved us up to 42%. Some time next week or the week after I will hit 50%. It’s going really well. Everything looks great. I hope to finish that book, again, by August 1st. I am just a few thousand words behind because I had to go to a family event on one workday, and I’m going to try and make that up on some Saturday in the future.
Last announcement is not about this doomslug plushie. This will be announced eventually. Last announcement is the sneaky thing that Dan and I have been working on is coming out on Wednesday of this week. Dan and I decided we like to chat about things like movies. And as I’ve been signing books these last few months on Wednesday nights, Dan has come over and he and I have chatted about random things, and we’ve turned it into a podcast. It’s actually officially in a podcast, though we don’t have a title for it. You’ll have to listen to the first episode and hear us talk about coming up with a title. Right now we are just calling it Intentionally Blank until we find the proper and appropriate title for our podcast.
And it is Dan and Brandon talk about random stuff. It is less writing focused than Writing Excuses, and more hanging out and talking about things that we love, and weird things that we love. Dan, for instance, really likes food heists, where people steal food. And he brings up food heists now and then. I might occasionally bring up fancy popcorns and salts. Mostly we do talk about pop culture and things like that. And I hope that you guys will give it a listen. It should go out to all the different podcasting services and things like that starting on Wednesday. So look for that and we’ll do a big announcement on it.
Those are my four announcements. There will be other announcements coming up eventually. But for right now I can’t tell you about those things. So thank you, guys, as always, for reading the books, for hanging out on YouTube with me, and we will talk to you later.