Legion: Skin Deep free on Audible + Updates

If you haven’t heard yet, Legion: Skin Deep is free on Audible (outisde the UK/Aus/NZ etc.) until Wednesday December, 24th. Use the link to the right.

Firefight‘s release is two weeks away, and Audible has put up an audio preview that you can hear below. Links for preordering are here.

In the latest Writing Excuses episode, Dan, Howard and I talk about writing for nothing more than the fun of it.

Tor.com is continuing their re-read posts for Words of Radiance. Last week Carl Engle-Laird discussed Chapter 22 where we watch a number of threads plot along, then are surprised by an assassin.

My assistant Adam has updated the Twitter post Archive for December.

Here are a few photos from two recent book signings.

Young Mistborn at Idaho Falls book signing.

Young Mistborn at Idaho Falls book signing.

Mistborn with glass dagger at Orem Library book signing.

Mistborn with glass dagger at Orem Library book signing.

Shardblade letter opener from Orem Library book signing.

Two Mistborn at Idaho Falls book signing.

Go Bridge 4!

Baby Kaladin!

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