Ice Bucket Challenge

So, both Donald Mustard and Jason Denzel called me out on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I figured since I was on tour for that whole strange scavenger hunt thing and couldn’t participate, I should do something for this one.

Besides, it turns out we could kill two birds with one stone. We here at Dragonsteel Entertainment have a rigorous QA process regarding the production of new materials, and this challenge fit right in with something we’d already scheduled.

See below.

Now, the point of this challenge is that you either donate $100 to the ALS Association, or you do the ice bucket thing and donate $10. As I did the ice bucket thing, we’re choosing to donate $10 to ALS, and instead give the $100 to the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund in the name of Sir Terry Pratchett. I figured it would be worthwhile to spread the love from this charity drive around.

I’m allowed to call several people out on this, so I’m going to point the arrow at Howard Tayler and Dan Wells. I want to see them get doused, so consider yourselves challenged, guys. (I’d call out Mary too, but I think she’s traveling back from London following her Hugo win at Worldcon. Assuming everyone’s not completely fed up with celebrities getting water dumped on their heads, I’ll leave it to one of you to call her out once she’s back.)



p.s. Here’s a slow-motion, zoomed-in shot of the actual ice dump.

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