Grammy Awards Nominations: Mistborn

This is something that doesn’t apply to many of you, but if you’re a voting member of The Recording Academy, and you’re a Mistborn fan, you may want to take a look at your ballot.

For Your Consideration:
by Brandon Sanderson
in 5.1 Surround Sound DTS

The Graphic Audio editions of the Mistborn books (and Elantris and Warbreaker) aren’t your average audiobooks—they’re full-cast recordings with some sound effects, though they’re still nearly unabridged; only a few things such as dialogue tags (“she said”) get trimmed out, since by the voice actor you can know who’s talking.

If you’ve never experienced one, check it out below. And if you’re an Academy voter, I hope you’ll give it a listen as you consider the applicable category. Best of luck to everyone on the ballot in every category!

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