Funded in Three Minutes!

Adam here. We are in awe. Everyone here at Dragonsteel Entertainment is just blown away by the incredible reception of the Way of Kings leatherbound Kickstarter. Watching the numbers climb so quickly, reaching funding in only three minutes, was a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Then to see it creep up to a million in ten minutes—making this leatherbound the highest funded publishing project in the history of Kickstarter—left us in utter shock.
Now, after watching the pledge display surpass 4.5 million dollars in just over a day, we’re completely humbled. From the bottom of our hearts, we at Dragonsteel want to say thank you. Thank you, not only for your support of us and this project, but more importantly, thank you for your trust. I know many of you jumped straight to backing us without watching the video (I know this because it was funded in three minutes and the video was over five) or being able to read through the campaign specifics. We’re very proud of what we’ve done with this special edition of The Way of Kings and we hope you will be too.
If this is the first your hearing about the campaign, you should definitely check out our listing on Kickstarter, where you can watch the short video we prepared—narrated by the incredibly talented Michael Kramer and Kate Reading—to give you a quick overview of our leatherbound editions and what we’re planning for The Way of Kings.
Also, if you’ve been following this project as we’ve been discussing it over the past several months, you can watch Brandon’s YouTube stream from last night where he and Isaac discuss some of the new stretch goals we’re considering as well as showing you some never-before-seen art from The Way of Kings leatherbound.