Friday’s the day!

Worldbuilders hit its goal, so we’re going to give this write-a-thon thing a try. I’ve settled on this Friday, January 17th, from 2:00 p.m. Mountain time until 7:00 p.m.

If you missed the blog post explaining this, I go into detail here. However, the short of it is this: I’m going to stream myself writing for those hours, and will take your suggestions on what to do. We’ll write a story together, and I’ll also answer questions about whatever. The streaming service we’re going to use is on the Waygate Foundation channel, since if any of you have accounts they will work there. <EDIT: Whoops! It looks like accounts can log onto, but Twitch accounts can’t log onto Justin for some bizarre reason. You’ll have to make a new account, it appears. Sorry! We checked one way, but not the other.>

As I said before, I’m uncertain how this is going to go. I think it will be fun, but I don’t know if what we devise for a story will be any good at all. We’ll see. This is all for charity anyway, and I do intend to try to raise some more money for Worldbuilders as we go. Really, the only way this can be a bad experience is if nobody shows up.

So, if you’ve got some time on Friday and have any curiosity regarding my writing process, please stop by. It shouldn’t require any special setup on your part, unless you want to ask questions or give suggestions for the story, whereupon you’ll need an account. (You can make one here.)

See you on Friday!


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