Balticon Schedule + Play Magic with Brandon + New Mistborn YA Trade Paperback

In less than an hour I’m leaving to fly out to Baltimore for Balticon. My schedule is below. I want to specifically highlight the “Play Magic: The Gathering with Brandon” event on Saturday night. We’ll be doing a draft at a cost of $15, and space is limited. Sign up at the Info Desk as soon as you get to the con!

A new trade paperback edition of Mistborn has been released to be shelved in the teen section of bookstores. It sports Sam Weber’s gorgeous painting of Vin, previously only available as an ebook cover. Isaac redrew the map of Luthadel, and my assistant Peter got some longstanding typos fixed, but otherwise it’s identical to the version of the book shelved in the science fiction/fantasy section of the store. If you know teenagers who like to read, this new version might be a good one to give them. I’ve collected some links to it above, under the “Trade Paper” dropdown menu.

An Altered Perceptions update: One of the “Join Bridge Four!” perks in the IndieGoGo campaign has been claimed. There are two left. And you can still get just the ebook for $10. There are 58 hours left in the campaign.


Place: Balticon 48
Address: Hunt Valley Inn
245 Shawan Road
Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Phone: (410) 785-7000


6:00 p.m., Salon C
Writing the Economics of Magic
A discussion examining how to address economics when building a world in which magic is a major factor.
Collin Earl, Brandon Sanderson, Jeffrey Lyman, Jean Marie Ward, Eric Hardenbrook

8:00 p.m., Valley Ballroom
Opening Ceremonies
Mark Van Name (M), Halo Jankowski, Brandon Sanderson, Ken Anders, Geoffrey Landis, Charles E. Gannon, Myke Cole

9:00 p.m., Con Suite
Friday Face Time: Meet the GoHs and Program Participants
Kelly Shannon Pierce (M), Brandon Sanderson, Ken Anders, Geoffrey Landis, Myke Cole, Charles E. Gannon


11:00 a.m., Maryland Foyer
Autographing: Brandon Sanderson and Myke Cole

1:00 p.m., Valley Ballroom
Brandon Sanderson Guest of Honor Presentation

2:00 p.m., The Missing Volume booth in the Dealer’s Room
Brandon Sanderson Booth Signing
The Missing Volume should have copies of the “Firstborn”/“Defending Elysium” double hardcover, while supplies last.

7:00 p.m.–1:00 a.m., Chase
Magic the Gathering: Draft Tournament with Brandon Sanderson
Limited to 15 participants, $15 entry fee. Sign up at the Info Desk.


2:00 p.m., Maryland Foyer
Autographing: Brandon Sanderson and Charles Gannon

3:00 p.m., Garden Room
Wheel of Time Discussion
Ray Ridenour (M), Brandon Sanderson, Jennifer Liang

4:00 p.m., Garden Room
Brandon Sanderson Reading


11:00 a.m., McCormick
Kaffeeklatsch – Brandon Sanderson
Signup required ahead of time. Ask about this at the Info Desk.

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