Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Three Part 2

Llarimar is based on a friend of mine, Scott Franson. Back when I was working on Hero of Ages, my local church group had a service auction for the local food bank. The idea was that church members would offer up services—like a car wash, or some baked cookies, or something like that—and then we’d all get together and bid cans of food for them.
Well, I offered up for auction naming rights in one of my books. The idea being that if you won the auction, you’d get a character named after you and based on you. It was a big hit, as you might imagine, and ended up going for several hundred cans of food. The guy who won was Aaron Yeoman. (And you can see him in The Hero of Ages as Lord Yomen.)
Well, the other major bidder on that was Scott. He’s a fantasy buff, a big fan of classic works like Tolkien and Donaldson. (Though he reads pretty much everything that gets published.) He really wanted the naming rights, but I think he let Aaron have it, as Aaron was very excited and vocal about wanting to win.
About a year later, I discovered that Scott, being the kind soul he was, paid for Aaron’s cans himself and donated them on the younger man’s behalf. I was touched by this, so I decided to put Scott into Warbreaker. It happened there was a very good spot for him, as I’d already planned Llarimar to have a very similar personality to Scott.
I decided that Franson wouldn’t work for the name. (Though you do see that one pop up in The Hero of Ages as a nod to Scott as well.) Instead, I used Scott’s nickname, Scoot. I thought it worked pretty well, as it’s only one letter off from his first name, and his brother claims that they always used to call him that.
So, there you are, Scott. Thanks for being awesome.
Lightsong Feeds on the Child
Why a child? It doesn’t much matter, truthfully. An adult, or even someone elderly, could provide a Breath that would keep a god alive.
But the Breaths of those who are aged aren’t as vigorous as those of those who are young. If Lightsong were given one of those to feed on, he’d survive for another week—but he wouldn’t feel as vibrant or alive as he does after feeding on the child’s Breath.
The people of Hallandren are faithful. Even if Lightsong himself doesn’t believe, they do, and they want to provide the best for him. Hence they use children. Old enough to know what they are doing, yet young enough to give a powerful, vibrant Breath to their god.