Annotation The Alloy of Law Chapter Two

Alloy of Law

Here is the first batch of annotations for The Alloy of Law. As with all of the other annotations here on the site, each annotation contains spoilers for the current chapter. Spoilers for chapters after the current one are hidden by spoiler tags. We recommend you read the book before reading the annotations! Also, please note that there are not yet annotations for the prologue or first chapter.

Wax ties a cravat

In the original draft, I conceived this scene specifically because of how strong a contrast it would provide to jumping around in the mists in the previous scene. This has always been a theme of the Mistborn books, and I hoped that some familiarity in that regard would provide a connecting tie between this book and the previous trilogy.

Mistborn was about balance—balancing the life of a thief (and then assassin) in Vin’s case with the life of a noblewoman. I wanted Wax to be dealing with some of the same concepts, but from another direction. Instead of a young person discovering high society, Wax is returning to it after abandoning it. But, as Vin never truly abandoned her street-thief roots, Wax never abandoned his gentleman’s ways.

Wayne shows up

Another aspect of the Mistborn books is the humor. I plan the humor in each of my novels specifically. In Warbreaker, the humor is all about wordplay and lofty back-and-forths. In the Alcatraz books, it’s about being audacious, whimsical, and . . . well, a little insane. In The Way of Kings, it’s more character-specific, certain characters engaging in different types of humor to fit the scene.

The Mistborn books have always employed a type of humor I’ll call grim banter. Friends who know each other making jokes back and forth amid sometimes terrible situations. There’s usually an edge to the banter, much how Kelsier would speak in the original trilogy. I wanted to maintain that feel, and so for this series to work, it needed to be founded on at least two characters who knew one another well and who were comfortable with insulting one another in the name of levity.

It was actually hard not to get to Wayne sooner in the book—even though this is only chapter two, he’s a big part of the heart and soul of this story. I wanted to get him in quickly, as quickly as possible. This was the right place, I’m confident—he’d have distracted from Lessie in the prologue.

I’m pleased with how he turned out, by the way. He’s vibrant enough as a person, with a good soul and a lot of quirks, that he quite often steals the show. That was a balance I had to work on in the book to make sure he didn’t steal it too much. (Or, at least, too often.)

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