Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Seventy-Two Part 2

Marsh and the Earring
Also, here we get a Marsh viewpoint. It’s almost our last one. (I think there is one more in the next chapter.)
He didn’t get much screen time, but I hope that what he did get led you to this climax for him. Spook’s letter wasn’t in vain, though I take delight in knowing that some of my alpha readers were convinced it had been.
I’ve been told my endings are a little too neat sometimes. Well, that might be valid criticism. However, I prefer it for this particular book. After three novels of building and foreshadowing, I can finally make good on promises and threads I began way back in book one. There’s a reason I included that scene with Marsh and Vin on the balcony of Mansion Renoux. Marsh had to know how she’d gotten her earring.
You can probably see it now. Vin’s mother, who was schizophrenic, was corrupted by Ruin, who spoke in her mind. He got her to love her first daughter, but hate her second—to see the second as a repulsive monster. In her insanity, she killed the second daughter by cutting open her chest and ramming a pin through her heart. Then, she stuck that same pin into Vin’s ear, turning it into an earring.
Reen, the older brother—not even a teenager at that point—stumbled in upon this scene, and it nearly snapped his mind. That night he took Vin and ran.
Vin’s mother was tracked down by the Inquisitors a short time after that. Fortunately for Vin, her father had realized he was in trouble and ordered his own lover executed. His assassins got to her just before the Inquisitors, and all they found was a corpse.
Giving you power!
That voice at the end of the chapter is Kelsier, who can finally speak to Vin, now that her earring is gone. She’s close enough to the mists and Preservation’s power that he can touch Vin’s mind or a brief moment and send a few words toward her.
The last words echo his famous line about the mists, the first thing he taught Vin about them on a mist-wetted street in Luthadel her first night of training.