Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Five

The following is commentary, written by Brandon, about one of the chapters of MISTBORN: THE HERO OF AGES. If you haven’t read this book, know that the following will contain major spoilers. We suggest reading the sample chaptersfrom book one instead. You can also go to this book’s introduction or go to the main annotations page to access all annotations for all of Brandon’s books. For those who have read some of MISTBORN 3, any spoilers for the ending of this book will be hidden, so as long as you’ve read up to this chapter, you should be all right.
Vin and Elend’s Plans and Progress
This is my personal favorite of the opening chapters. I love how it establishes what Vin and Elend are trying to accomplish, but at the same time shows how stretched thin they are. Both bounce around from one emotion to another, and the argument near the end of the chapter is a good example of just how exhausted they both are.
Elend is more forceful now. He’s become a wartime leader, a much different man than he was in book one, when he went to parties and read books. He’s fighting to find a balance between being the man he thinks he should be and the man he knows he has to be. It all works very soundly for me.
The Storage Caches
One of the major revisions I made to the book during drafting was to reduce the number of storage caches. Originally I’d planned for eleven or twelve. The one here in Vetitan was still going to be the penultimate, with Fadrex being the last—the team just would have discovered more of them between books.
I changed this in order to make the cache in Fadrex seem more important. I wanted to get across the idea that taking that city was vital to the plans and goals of the team, and making it have one of five caches instead of one of twelve seemed to help with that.
In the first draft, the major draw of the final cache was the hope that it contained atium. But I realized that atium just wasn’t that useful anymore—or, at least, many of the reasons it might have been useful are no longer important to the characters. Vin’s instinct is right—the atium is more important than it might seem at first, but the original draft made it look like they were chasing a hope for something that wasn’t even very useful. So, during revisions, I inserted Elend’s acknowledgment that they don’t really need atium, and I also added Vin’s instinct that it’s vital. We’ll see how this plays out.