Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Eighty-One Part 2

Charging Them Is Madness
Vin probably should have figured out what Elend was doing, being kind of a god now and all. (Or at least she has a fraction of a god inside of her.) However, remember a few things.
She doesn’t know that many of Elend’s troops have been turned into Allomancers. She’s also been very distracted lately. On top of that, the man she loves is charging two hundred thousand koloss. Even if she’d connected that he’d be burning atium, her opinion would still have been that he couldn’t fight that many and survive.
In the end, she was right. So her concern was warranted.
Atium Doesn’t Solve Everything
One of the things I also wanted to do before the series was done was show someone burning atium without regard for it running out. I wanted to show the awesome power of the metal. And then I wanted to have them lose.
Why? Many reasons. Because violence may work to solve some problems, but it isn’t always the answer. In fact, it’s often a poor answer, even if it’s the only answer. (As it was for Elend.) Killing koloss doesn’t solve anything in the long run.
Yes, atium is amazing. Yes, showing it off like this was inevitable in the book. However, I figured that most fantasy novels would get to a point where the character drew on the ultimate hidden weapon, and then would save the day. I didn’t want to do that. Not just because I like to do the unexpected, but because it didn’t fit what I wanted to say with this book. It didn’t fit what felt right.
A twist is no good if it’s just there to be a twist.
Human Enters the Tunnels
And here we also get some Human viewpoints. I believe I mentioned that he’d be returning. I didn’t manage to do very much with him, but my alpha readers demanded something. (These two short scenes with him, as well as the epigraph saying he’d be back, were added in a later draft.) I figured that he deserved a little more screen time after what he’d done for the team, and I had wanted to show the koloss bursting in on the Trustwarren. This seemed like a perfect answer to both problems.
As I’ve said, I wished I could work Human in a little bit more. At least this lets us give him a parting goodbye.