Annotation Mistborn 2 Chapter Twenty-Nine

Well of Ascension

The following is commentary, written by Brandon, about one of the chapters of MISTBORN: THE WELL OF ASCENSION. If you haven’t read this book, know that the following will contain major spoilers. We suggest reading the sample chapters from book one instead. You can also go to this book’s introduction or go to the main annotations page to access all annotations for all books. For those who have read some of MISTBORN 2, any spoilers for the ending of this book will be hidden, so as long as you’ve read up to this chapter, you should be all right.

Chapter Twenty-nine

Vin and OreSeur Talk while Vin waits to see if Zane will Come Find her on the City Wall

I hope I’m not overdoing the parallels between Vin and the Logbook author, the previous person who thought that they might be the Hero of Ages. Some readers, in the original draft, thought her supposition (in the next chapter) that she was the Hero to be too much. They wondered where she got the idea.

I’m not trying to imply that Vin is or isn’t the Hero. I’m just trying to show Vin’s thought process. That’s a tough line to walk in these chapters. As a writer, I want the narrative to be deeply inside someone’s viewpoint, and therefore show who that character is and how they view the world. However, I don’t want that narrative to indicate–certainly–that what the character thinks is actually true.

OreSeur’s Origins as a Character

Vin and OreSeur are quite well-established by this point. Actually, OreSeur and his character–the OreSeur we deal with in this book, with the conflicts and personality he uses–are one of the items I brought over from Mistborn Prime. (If you’ll remember, that’s the first stab I made at writing a Mistborn book years back. It was unpublished.) The kandra sidekick was one of the very few things that actually worked in that book. (Too well, actually. People liked him much more than they liked the actual hero of the story, who wasn’t a character that appears in any of the current Mistborn novels.) If you ever want to read Mistborn Prime, email me and ask. I’ll send you an electronic copy.

(I’ve talked about that book in previous annotations. While the book débuted an early version of Allomancy and a couple of world elements–such as the mists coming at night–very little of the book made the jump to the new, professional version of Mistborn. I pretty much just stole the concept for the magic and a few select world items and used them as a starting point for this series. In that way, this trilogy is a kind of sequel to the other Mistborn book, though the plots, world, and characters are very different.)

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