Annotation Mistborn 2 Chapter Forty-Four

Well of Ascension

The following is commentary, written by Brandon, about one of the chapters of MISTBORN: THE WELL OF ASCENSION. If you haven’t read this book, know that the following will contain major spoilers. We suggest reading the sample chapters from book one instead. You can also go to this book’s introduction or go to the main annotations page to access all annotations for all books. For those who have read some of MISTBORN 2, any spoilers for the ending of this book will be hidden, so as long as you’ve read up to this chapter, you should be all right.

Chapter Forty-four

Breeze and Clubs watch the Army go

This is supposed to feel like everything is falling apart. I like that Elend doesn’t see how much danger he’s in now that one of the armies is retreating–as clever as Elend is, Clubs is the expert on warfare. Elend is an optimist; he finds it hard to look at the bad side of things. To him, an army leaving is good.

Still, even he knows that they’re losing control. A battle is coming, and where it does, Luthadel–and those within it–will be in serious trouble.

Ham, Elend, and Spook discuss Vin’s attack on Cett

Ham mentions Vin exploding at the group. If you recall, this is the scene where Vin accuses the others of all being noblemen. She’s mad at Kelsier for the way he treats Elend, but she also felt that the group didn’t REALLY know what it was like to be skaa.

Ham never understood why she did this; he just saw an irrational young girl. And, in truth, a teenage girl’s emotions can be rather volatile. However, I think her explosion was quite rational–as did Kelsier, who talked with her afterward and apologized.

Elend Finds Vin

This room where Elend finds Vin is cool in that it’s the very first place where we, as readers, met Vin back in book one. She was sitting in that cubby, looking out at the street, wishing she were as free as the ash. Now she has that freedom, and she’s terrified by what she’s done with it.

So, you can see–maybe–some of the repercussions that I talked about earlier. Vin just confirmed to herself that she’s the monster she worried about being. Kelsier casts such a large shadow. Everyone thinks they should be able to do things like he did, but nobody can. They need to find their own way.

Still, Vin has a choice to make. In the last book, she ended up with Elend. Now she has another chance at Kelsier, as represented by Zane. Some people who read the book think she should go with him, others yearn for her to choose Elend. The fact that there really is an option means I’ve done my job well.

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