Annotation Elantris Chapter 10

Chapter Ten (No Spoilers. Sorry!)
Are the Elantrians zombies? I’ve been asked this question before. The answer is a little bit yes, a little bit no. I very intentionally don’t make any references in the story to them being zombie-like, and I certainly don’t call them ‘undead.’ Both words bring a lot of baggage with them.
No, the Elantrians aren’t ‘zombies.’ However, they certainly would fit the standard fantasy definition of being ‘undead.’ After all, their bodies aren’t really alive, but they can think. Still, I resist comparisons to established fantasy traditions. I wanted the Elantrians to be their own genre of creatures. In the world I have created, they are simply ‘Elantrians.’ They are people who don’t need to eat, whose bodies only function on a marginal level, and whose pains never go away. For the function they fill in the world and the story, I’d rather that they be compared to lepers.
That said, I always have wanted to do a story with a zombie as a main character.
This chapter introduces a couple of minor characters for Raoden’s gang. One thing you’ll notice here is the good-natured humor I include in the chapter. (Or, at least, I hope you found it humorous.) I had a real worry that ELANTRIS would be too dark a book, considering the things that Raoden has to go through. That’s why Galladon’s character is so important. In my mind, Galladon fits the most basic definition of a humorous character–he is a juxtaposition. He is a pessimist from a culture of optimists. He is a foil to Raoden, yet at the same time his comedic pessimism lifts the story and points out just how ridiculous their situations are.
Galladon isn’t simply comic relief–I have never used, and never intend to use, a comic-relief character. However, he allows for some farce and some fun-poking, which in turn lightens the air of what could otherwise be a very gloomy book. His relationship with Raoden proves that even in the hellpit of Elantris, things like friendship and trust can exist.
Because I have three separate storylines in this book, I have to move quickly. (Or, at least, quickly for me.) This allowed me to keep up the pacing, and to have a good amount of tension in every chapter. Of the three viewpoints, however, I think Raoden’s chapters seem to move the quickest, though Hrathen has the smallest number of pages.