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Chapter Sixty Part Three


I actually didn’t plan to use the ‘teleportation’ aspect of the Dakhor magic. However, I wrote myself into this chapter, then suddenly realized that I needed to get the group Teod in a real hurry. I couldn’t let days pass while Sarene, Hrathen, and Dilaf sailed to the peninsula as I’d originally intended. (I have no idea what I was thinking.) So, I added in teleportation. It ended up working out very well in the book, as it let me add another dimension to the Dakhor magic–that of having it cost a life to create some of its effects.

This, more than anything, should instill in the reader a sense of disgust regarding the Dakhor. I particularly like Hrathen’s story about Dilaf making someone die so he could travel to a place fifteen minutes away. It characterizes Dilaf perfectly while at the same time giving a clue to how strict and obedient his order is. This isn’t a group of people you want to mess with. It’s the ultimate exaggeration of Derethi beliefs on loyalty and structure.


I almost cut this entire twist from the book. I’ve never been happy with how it worked out, and I think there are–as I’ve mentioned–still a few too many surprises and twists at the end of the book. (Though, I have fixed it somewhat. It used to be that virtually EVERYONE had a secret past or personality trait that came out in these last four chapters.) Anyway, I don’t like the Adien twist–it lacks power since we don’t really care about him, and his character–the autistic–isn’t terribly original anyway.

I’ve left the Adien twist in for a single reason. However, it’s a bit of a spoiler, so I’ll put it invisible for those of you who haven’t read the ending yet. You can come back and read this later.

Adien has been an Elantrian for some time. That’s why Kiin’s family knows so much about Elantrians. Read back to the earlier chapters, and you’ll see a scene or two where Sarene wonders why they know so much about Elantris and its occupants. They hid Adien’s transformation with makeup, and his autism kept him out of social circles anyway, so no one really paid much attention to the fact that he was never around.


I wanted to bring the ‘sheep’ idea full-circle in this chapter, and show that people don’t just have to go along to their slaughter with docility. I think readers will be rooting for this, and this section–where Lukel and Shuden prepare to attack–gives us a little hope. This is a very tense chapter, and everything is going wrong. I decided I needed a few points of light in the narrative, otherwise it might get too depressing. So, I hint the people won’t get killed without a fight.

Besides, this lets Lukel–the regular guy surrounded by mages, heroes, and politicians–be a bit of a hero himself. He overcomes his fear and his lethargy.

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