Mistborn: THE ALLOY OF LAW comes out in one week

First, on an unrelated topic, the charity auction for getting your name in A MEMORY OF LIGHT is now live. There will be one winner, and the auction ends November 10th. You can also still donate to the drawing through December 1st and have a chance at your name getting used.

Today I have a guest blog piece up over at the Tor/Forge blog entitled “My 14-Year-Old Self Might Take Issue with The Alloy of Law.” Here’s an excerpt:

As we get ready for the release of The Alloy of Law, I find myself wondering what the teenage me would think of what I’m doing in this book. You see, I became a fantasy addict when I was about fourteen, and one of my mantras quickly became, “If it has guns, it’s not good fantasy.”

Now here I am, adding guns to my most successful fantasy series.

Go read the piece, and then if you haven’t yet checked out the sample chapters, read those too. Next Monday evening I’ll head down to the BYU Bookstore for the midnight release of the book, and then I’m off on a whirlwind tour of the US, Vancouver, and the UK. Check my events calendar for details and to see if I’m coming near you. If you want an email reminder when I’m going to be near your city, tell me what city you’re in (or the nearest large city you’d be willing to drive to).

One of my former students, shrain, has uploaded a video (below) of me talking about the concept behind the book and reading from the prologue and second chapter.

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