Annotation Mistborn Part Four Wrap-Up

Oo. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Actually, the section breaks mean a lot to me in this book. They divide the novel in my mind, as opposed to ELANTRIS, which was divided by viewpoint and not by section of the book.
Often, when I write novels, I plan sections around climactic scenes which leave the characters changed. That’s why this story broke in such places as when Vin nearly got killed, or when Kelsier really did get killed. In this book, they sometimes mark the passage of time as well—that happened with the first couple.
It’s kind of an odd thing that I do, but often in my books I will have a ‘section’ that is simply the climax. That’s the way it is with this book; part four was the lead up to the climax. Part five is, essentially, one big long climax. The Brandon Avalanche, so to speak.
So, why is it like this? Why have a short ‘section’ at the end that is the climax, rather than just having part four continue on to the end? It has to do with how I write books.
A novel has to be divided into chunks for me to work on it. I divide it in my brain by section, then plot those section separately. Often times, the climax—on my plot outline—is it’s own section. That’s because the division in my head requires the section before it to be set up. Then, the set up is finished, and I can move on to the pay off.
And so, that’s what you get now. The pay off. Hope you enjoy it.