Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Forty-Eight

The Lord Ruler’s Final Message
This plaque from the Lord Ruler was very difficult to write. Originally it was much shorter, but I expanded it during the last draft because I felt it was just too useless. Even still, it doesn’t say much. And that’s the problem.
I was always intending the Lord Ruler’s final plate to contain no answers. It works into my themes for this series—this was the “quest” book playing off the epic fantasy ideal of the powerful object that must be discovered and used to fight the evil. Except that this time, I wanted them to get to the place they’d been questing toward and find it empty, with no answers from the Lord Ruler. I felt this would only heighten the sense of hopelessness the characters are feeling in trying to fight Ruin.
The problem is, rereading this plate I realize that I’ve done exactly what I wanted—but that it’s also a really, really big letdown. I hate letting down readers. It feels like breaking promises. After consideration I think this is still the best thing to do, but I wish I’d found another way to deal with this.
Note that the circle with a dot here is completely lost on Vin. The size of the circle in relation to the text around it, and some numerical clues scribbled around the perimeter of the circle, are indications of the size of a scale map it should be placed upon. If placed the right way, the dot will point directly at the Pits of Hathsin.
Vin’s awesome, but she’s barely got a basic education. A complex mathematical puzzle like that one is completely lost on her. If Elend had had the time to study the plate, he might have figured out where it was pointing. There wasn’t time, however.
The Lord Ruler did leave a very important clue on this plate. However, I feel that obscure clues like this are deciphered far too often in books like this one. I think realistically if you’re going to leave a clue like that, chances are good that it will end up getting missed or misunderstood. Which is exactly what happened here.