Annotation Elantris 59-1

Chapter Fifty-Nine Part One
I think I’ve noted that my viewpoints tend to speed up as I approach the endings of books. Well, ELANTRIS is a perfect example. We’re hopping viewpoints like a crazed body-snatcher. At the risk of sounding redundant, I did this to increase pacing and tension. Quick-rotating viewpoints give a cinematic feel to the story, in my opinion–kind of like cameras changing angles. This keeps things quick and snappy, and keeps the reader reading.
It should be noted that writing and filmmaking are two completely different arts. What works in one doesn’t work in the other–action sequences, for instance, have to be written completely differently in a novel than they would be displayed on screen. However, both storytelling forms try to evoke similar feelings in their audiences. So, you can’t do the same things in writing as you can in filmmaking–but you can get a similar effect by using different tools. Here, I use viewpoint shifts, which is something a filmmaker can’t really access without first-person voice-overs. Viewpoint is, in my opinion, one of the prime unique tools that we have as writers. That’s why I think it’s important to understand, and to manipulate.
If you’re paying attention to such things, we actually get two complete–and well-rotated–viewpoint triads in this chapter. Again, this is to increase the sense of urgency and pacing.
Oh, and yes, Elantrians can go unconscious. They can fall asleep, after all. The Elantrian brain is the one organ that continues to work very similarly to the way it did before the Shaod. So, taking a large amount of trauma can make it black out. The Elantrian won’t remain unconscious forever–but when he wakes up, the actual physical damage will be there. That’s why Raoden loses his sense of balance and everything gets fuzzy.