Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books

Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books All, Let’s do a quick (okay, it’s me, so it won’t be quick) update to let everyone know what’s going on here at Dragonsteel Entertainment HQ. (Also known as me sitting on a chair in my bedroom while my eight-month-old son throws half-eaten graham crackers at me.)…

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June Is (was) Audiobook Month

June Is (was) Audiobook Month Well, here it is the last day of June and I haven’t mentioned audiobooks at all like I was supposed to, and we all know whose fault that was . . . that’s right, my assistant Peter. June is audiobook month! There are lots of audiobook-related posts on Twitter with…

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Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship applications, updates

Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship applications, updates The folks over at let me know that applications for next school year’s scholarship are now being accepted. It’s a $500 scholarship open to all undergraduate students attending an accredited college or university, and the recipient is chosen based on their essay on the topic “How I plan…

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Suvudu Cage Match: How It REALLY Went Down

Suvudu Cage Match: How It REALLY Went Down So, from what I’ve heard, Rand won the Suvudu cage match. This leaves me with mixed feelings. On one hand, I am pleased and proud. On the other hand, George R. R. Martin’s write-up of how he thought things would go was simply epic. In his version,…

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Updates, Audies, Vote for the David Gemmell Legend Award!

Updates, Audies, Vote for the David Gemmell Legend Award! In the most recent MISTBORN 3 annotations, I discuss Vin’s defense before Yomen and what happened to Janarle. And in this week’s Writing Excuses podcast, Dan, Howard, James Dashner, and I take questions from the crowd at LTU&E, covering a variety of topics. Check it out.…

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Photoshop Contest Winners, Wheel of Time Games, & Updates

Photoshop Contest Winners, Wheel of Time Games, & Updates I’ve got the Photoshop contest winners below, but first the weekly updates. In the most recent MISTBORN 3 annotations I discuss TenSoon’s visit to Urteau and Vin attacking without using Allomancy. This past weekend was BYU’s science fiction/fantasy symposium, Life, the Universe & Everything. This was…

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Amazonfail 2010, Mythmaker Interview, Updates

Amazonfail 2010, Mythmaker Interview, Updates The big story over the weekend was that Amazon temporarily stopped selling all Macmillan books, which includes all my books from Tor, to protest Macmillan’s new ebook terms. There’s not a lot I have to add to this discussion, except to say that Tor’s publicity department thought the illustration accompanying…

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Hugo nomination season, GoodReads Q&A, Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive, Updates

Hugo nomination season, GoodReads Q&A, Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive, Updates This year’s World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) will be held in Melbourne, Australia from September 2nd through September 6th. Unfortunately, I won’t be in attendance since I’ll be going to Dragon*Con in Atlanta that same weekend. However, every year the members of Worldcon vote…

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