Video Chat Today, Paste Magazine Article + Updates

Video Chat Today, Paste Magazine Article + Updates Today I’ll be doing a Google+ video chat hangout with fellow fantasy author Brian McClellan. The event description says: Join these two writers as they talk about their newest books, the epic fantasy genre, and writing as a career in a live, online event on May 1st! We’ll…

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Preview Chapters, Writing Video, Writing Excuses & Updates

Preview Chapters, Writing Video, Writing Excuses & Updates The Words of Radiance audiobook is now available for preorder on Audible in the US, as well as on CD via the links at the right. Kate Reading and Michael Kramer are well into recording the narration, and it will be released the same day as the hardcover and ebook. The…

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June is Audiobook Month + Updates

June is Audiobook Month + Updates This week the Writing Excuses podcast has a “project in depth” episode on Mary Robinette Kowal’s novella “Kiss Me Twice,” which was nominated for the Hugo and Nebula last year. Give it a listen, though you’ll probably want to read the novella first. had a couple of The Way of Kings articles last week. First…

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THE RITHMATIST Illustrations, Book Expo America & Updates

THE RITHMATIST Illustrations, Book Expo America & Updates The newest Writing Excuses podcast episode is called “What The Avengers Did Right.” It has a bunch of spoilers for that movie and talks about it from the point of view of a writer. I’ve uploaded all of Ben McSweeney’s awesome illustrations for THE RITHMATIST. This includes the map (which…

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