Holiday Shipping Deadlines + Updates

Holiday Shipping Deadlines + Updates Below you’ll find the holiday deadlines for the Brandon Sanderson Store. But before then, some updates! Writing Excuses has three episodes I haven’t mentioned yet. All were recorded at Westercon or FantasyCon. First up, Mette Ivie Harrison and J.R. Johannson joined us to talk about writing for the mystery genre. Next, the…

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The Rithmatist ebook on sale today

The Rithmatist ebook on sale today Just a quick note: the ebook of The Rithmatist is on sale today for $1.99 in the US and Canada, and it looks like it’s €1.78 in continental Europe. Check your local region to see the price there—links are on the right. I don’t know how long this lasts, but I’m guessing it’s…

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Grammy Awards Nominations: Mistborn

Grammy Awards Nominations: Mistborn This is something that doesn’t apply to many of you, but if you’re a voting member of The Recording Academy, and you’re a Mistborn fan, you may want to take a look at your ballot. 57th GRAMMY AWARDS For Your Consideration: MISTBORN – THE FINAL EMPIRE by Brandon Sanderson in 5.1…

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Sixth of the Dusk solo ebook out now!

Sixth of the Dusk solo ebook out now! Today marks the worldwide release of the standalone ebook for my Cosmere novella Sixth of the Dusk. It’s the same novella that I included in the ebook and hardcover of Shadows Beneath: the Writing Excuses Anthology, which also has stories from Mary Robinette Kowal, Dan Wells, and Howard Tayler.…

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Writing Excuses Episodes & Caribbean Retreat

Writing Excuses Episodes & Caribbean Retreat There are two new Writing Excuses episodes to talk about: Fan Writing, with Chris Garcia The Convention-Author Relationship, with Deirdre Saoirse Moen Both episodes were recorded at Westercon/FantasyCon earlier this year in front of a live audience. Chris has worked in fanzines for years (and won a Hugo Award…

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The Accidental Highwayman

The Accidental Highwayman I blurbed a book! I know, I know. That doesn’t happen very often these days, but Susan, my YA editor at Tor, approached me with a project she is very excited and passionate about: The Accidental Highwayman by Ben Tripp. And after reading it, I have to highly recommend it—Susan has discovered a gem.…

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Mitosis audiobook free on Audible

Mitosis audiobook free on Audible I’m happy to announce that Mitosis (the novelette that takes place between Steelheart and Firefight) has been released as an audiobook. What’s more, Audible is putting it up for free for a limited time. The talented Macleod Andrews returns as the audiobook’s narrator—and he will return for the Firefight audiobook as well, which comes out in January and which you can…

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Mistborn Trade Paperbacks + New York Comic Con Schedule

Mistborn Trade Paperbacks + New York Comic Con Schedule Back in May I mentioned the new trade paperbacks for the Mistborn trilogy that were coming out, starting with the first book. Since then, The Well of Ascension was released in August, and The Hero of Ages came out this week. All three books have gorgeous Sam Weber cover art, and Isaac Stewart…

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National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) starts in November, and tons of people all over the world will take the challenge to write a 50,000-word novel within the month. To help keep you motivated as you write, I’ll be contributing a Pep Talk this year (also check out my 2011 Pep Talk). One of this year’s sponsors is StoryBundle, and they’re…

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